
Chapter 14 of Shadows of Avarice has been posted! Sorry I'm two hours late with the update. I uh, forgot. Whoops.


Hey Mysty, what's up?
          I don't know, but looking at Song of Shadows, Prince of Nightmare, Little Red, and the other books that make a series has inspired me ^^


Same here, just waiting for school.
            Yes :D
            See you sometime next...


@LarryRiches Heya! Not much, how about you? 
            Aww, that's great! I'm glad that I could be an inspiration to someone (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)


What books are in the four kingdoms series? And I know you said they don’t need to be read in order but is there an order to them?


@individual217 Hihi, the books and order are posted in the description of each book! If you want to read them in the order suggested, then Little Red would be the first in the series! It is currently being rewritten. 
            Not all books in the series are posted right now, and I am writing them out of order. But if you want to read the currently posted ones in order of events then it starts with Little Red, then Prince of Nightmares, The Warlock (I plan to rewrite this one at some point though so some events won't make sense right now), and last is  Shadows of Avarice. 


Chapter 9 of Song of Shadow and Light has been posted! I will be uploading chapters now at 7 PM EDT when I have the chance to get on my laptop. I'm not sure if that'll help with notifications for chapters, so feel free to let me know if the notifications still aren't coming through. 


Two chapters each for Shadows of Avarice, Prince of Nightmares, and Song of Shadow and Light have been posted this week! It's been brought to my attention that readers may not have gotten the notification for the updates (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠) Thanks Wattpad.
          I am considering changing my update schedule. One chapter for each book will still be posted every week, but it may come at a later time in the day (I haven't decided yet when). 
          Anyway, enjoy! 


Alright, so I posted another book, this ones called Song of Shadow and Light. I literally wrote the summary at 6 this morning, so apologies that it's bad lmao. I'm going to fix it later, I swear. 
          Anyway. I'm posting this announcement with my updated schedule. I probably shouldn't try writing three books at once, but I'm a glutton for punishment. 
          Thursday - Song of Shadow and Light
          Friday - Shadows of Avarice
          Saturday - Prince of Nightmares
          All books will be updated weekly at 6AM EDT on the days posted above. 
          Thanks for reading (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧