
Proud to announce that I have released the 12th entry for Prehistoric Wild, Clash Under the Rising Sun. This one takes place in the Kitadani Formation of Early Cretaceous Japan, 114 million years ago. In it, young Fukuiraptor Kuro's hunt for food turns into a fight for survival upon stumbling into rival male Sawa's territory. This is a fairly recent idea of mine and ended up being one of two stories I wrote this month to coincide with Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It's also based on a formation whose contents are relatively obscure, so I'm very interested in seeing what y'all's thoughts on it are.


Proud to announce that I have uploaded the 11th entry for Prehistoric Wild, River Mother. This one takes place in the Bahariya Formation of Middle Cretaceous Egypt, 100 million years ago. In it, a Stomatosuchus and a Spinosaurus fight to determine the fate of a nest of unknown contents. Not only is this one of my oldest story ideas, I also made it to coincide with both Mother's Day and as an early birthday present to my good friend, Lexi (AKA Lexiology on Twitch.) Can't wait to hear what y'all think of it!


Hey, all. Just wanted to make a quick announcement in regards to my next story, River Mother. This is mainly for two reasons: 1. Anyone who’s followed me and kept up with my work for a while knows I tend release a new story rough ever two weeks and it’s now been more than that since I released Race from the Sea Dragons. 2. I know I didn’t mention it much, but I have stated before that I intended to have it released yesterday to coincide with Mother’s Day, but that obviously didn’t end up being the case. 
          Essentially, I have a good friend who who proofreads my stories every now and then before I release them. And I figured this story could use it given how important I feel it to be. Plus, I tend to be a perfectionist when it comes to stuff like proper spelling and grammar. And basically, some stuff came up in his schedule recently that made proofreading process take longer. And if this friend sees this, know that I don’t blame you for it at all. Stuff pops up, life happens and with how busy my own schedule can get at times, I completely get.
          So, I’m not sure when I’ll have River Mother ready to release. I’m hoping somewhere between today and later this week. And while this might not be related, rest assured, I hadn’t exactly given up while waiting. I already started on my 12th story while waiting. I’ll reveal more about it in the “NEXT ON PREHISTORIC WILD” section of River Mother, but let’s just say it’s an area I haven’t seen depicted in paleomedia before. I’m also making really good progress as it’s reached over 2,000 words since I started it on Friday. 


And now “Born From Fire” has become my first story to hit 100 reads. Honestly, I’m just overwhelmed with joy over all this. Once again, thank to everyone who’s ever read my work and followed me. 


@Bartolo205 thanks! Should be uploaded by Sunday at the latest.


That’s so awesome! Congrats! Can’t wait for the next Prehistoric Wild!


Hey, all. Just wanted to jump on and say HOLY ACTUAL CRAP! Mostly cause of two things. First off, I’ve noticed that my current newest story “Race from the Sea Dragons” has not only reached 64 reads but is also tied with “Duck and Run” as my most voted story. And that’s just in roughly 2 weeks since it was uploaded. So, thanks to everyone that helped contribute to that cause that’s probably some of the best traction in that amount of time I’ve seen in a while. Secondly, this community that’s been built up is now 40 followers strong! I know it’s still small compared to others on here, but I’m nonetheless so thankful to reach this point in the six months I’ve been uploading. Thank you to everyone who sees this, both those who just recently joined and those who have stuck by since I first started. Here’s to see what the future holds.


Proud to announce that I have finished and uploaded the 10th entry for Prehistoric Wild, Race from the Sea Dragons. This one takes place in the Posidonia Shale of Early Jurassic Austria, 180 million years ago. In it, a group of Stenopterygius must reach their breeding grounds in shallow waters while evading a pod of hungry Temnodontosaurus. This is one of the oldest story ideas I've had for Prehistoric Wild, but it's also my first time writing an aquatic environment. So, considering those two factors, I'm definitely eager to hear y'all's thoughts on it. Thanks in advance!


Well, I guess Wattpad really is getting rid of private messages. Lord knows why cause I definitely don’t understand. I’ve already had good friends I’ve made on here send me where else I can find them, so to them I say thanks. If anyone else is interested in staying in contact with me after Wattpad PMs are gone, I’ll put  my most active socials here.
          Reddit: u/AC-RogueOne. (U/ZacharyDow1998 is my alt, but I don’t use it as much.)
          Discord: ztd98
          Instagram: drealzd1998
          Twitter (still not calling it X, Elon!): zackdow98
          TikTok: zacharydow 


@ZacharyDow Yes, agreed. I think it's dumb idea. 


@Shelleigh_Ingle I guess it’s a reason. But to me, that’s like solving a termite infestation by nuking the house they live in. 


@ZacharyDow Thanks, Zack. I heard there's a rumor that has to do with a scammer. 


Proud to announce that I have finished and uploaded the 9th entry for Prehistoric Wild, Challenges of the Mating Season. This one occurred in the Kaiparowits Formation in Late Cretaceous Utah, 76 million years ago. It essentially acts as a speculative look at how the mating season affects certain dinosaurs of this formation: Hagryphus, Akainacephalus, Deinosuchus, Parasaurolophus, and Nasutoceratops. I've dabbled in speculative behavior based on extant animals with some of my previous stories, but this has undoubtedly been the most. Though there is fossil evidence to support some of it. It's a story idea I've had in mind for a while and also ended up being one of the most fun ones to work on. So, I'm very eager to hear what y'all's thoughts on it are. Thanks in advance.


Just in time for Easter, I have finished and uploaded my 8th entry for Prehistoric Wild, Rush Through the Dark Woods. This one takes place in the polar forests of the Eumeralla Formation in Early Cretaceous Australia, 120 million years ago. In it, female Leaellynasaura must venture through the Antarctic night-stricken forest in search of food, all while avoiding predators along the way.  This has been a story I've had in mind for at least close to a year now and was one of the first story ideas I had for Prehistoric Wild. So, not only am I excited to see it all written up, I'm very eager to hear what y'all think of it. If ya do end up enjoying it, maybe share it around a bit. Thanks in advance.