
Hello Joker Out Friends !
          	I'm going to the Antwerp concert tonight ! Maybe if some of you are there, we could meet ?
          	(If you wanna see me, I'll be wearing a vest with Ljubljana written in red on it, I've got short brown hair, and I'll be with my dad he's tall with a black & white beard )
          	Hope I'll see you !!


Hello Joker Out Friends !
          I'm going to the Antwerp concert tonight ! Maybe if some of you are there, we could meet ?
          (If you wanna see me, I'll be wearing a vest with Ljubljana written in red on it, I've got short brown hair, and I'll be with my dad he's tall with a black & white beard )
          Hope I'll see you !!


Hey coucou!
          Je te remercie d'avoir ajouter à tes listes de lectures mes modestes scribouillages. 
          J'espère que tu aura de la joie à les parcourir et y laisser un avis. Et que tu pardonnera mon sens si fantaisiste de la conjugaison ^^!
          Des bises!


          Ce message s'adresse à mes lecteurs francophone ^^ Et plus particulièrement ceux qui me suivent en raison de mes fics Saint Seiya.
          Je voulais simplement vous demander si une nouvelle fic dans l'univers de Lost Canvas vous intéresserait ? Pour l'instant, rien d'officiel, bien sûr, elle est loin d'être finie, mais en ce moment j'aime bien travailler dessus, donc je voulais votre avis!
          Voilà bisous!


@ZoeGacha15 Bien sûr, de la bonne lecture ça ferait supra plaisir


@ Cristal-Tao  Super dans ce cas! Je vais essayer de m'activer à la terminer !


@ ZoeGacha15  pour répondre à ta question oui moi j'aimerais bcp deja que j'ai adoré la tueuse de dieux alors j'ai vraiment hâte ⭐W⭐


Hello !
          I don't if you saw, I posted Dancing Queen's last chapter !
          And I needed you, because I've got 2 ideas for the next fanfiction, and I don't which one to chose. For now, I have 2 votes for each  Gonna do a brief description, but if you want a bit more details you can find better summaries on Chapter 15 !
          Serentia (Kris X OC)
          It makes years the war has started. 'Peace' is a word that has been forgotten. But not in Serentia, a small kingdom landlocked in France. Alone, it faces the conflict as it can. It is a mere dream, something untouchable, too far for them. But they need to get there. They are chased; they need to flee. Fortunately, they meet this stranger, in the heart of the night, that swears to lead them to the Promised Land...
          Symbols (probably Jure X OC)
          Joker Out needs help. Their reality is falling apart. They start to disappear from this world. They don't know what to do. But they are told they would find help; and indeed, they found them. 2 young adults, not even finished with highschool. They seem odd, mysterious, and speak of things that cannot be. Or maybe, they are...


@ froggo2305  yes! It is planned of course! Still thinking about the plot, I really want it to be developed so that's why in the end I chose Symbols first, to give me time ☺️


@ZoeGacha15 when you finish Symbols, could you do Serentia? Or just a Kris fanfic in general? 


@ joker_out_fanfics  noted!


I ordered the Little Prince on Amazon in Slovenian, I was super excited to learn new vocabulary and everything... I just received it... It is indeed in Slovenian, but in a dialect that I think is called Resiano? There's dots on nearly every letters, for a moment I thought it was in Finnish...
          I'm very disappointed ☹️ I can't find an edition in "correct" Slovenian