this message may be offensive
I fucking fell down stairs lmao


@xylomaa lmao yea, some parts hurt randomly sometimes but I think it's only muscle pain. 


this message may be offensive
I fucking fell down stairs lmao


@xylomaa lmao yea, some parts hurt randomly sometimes but I think it's only muscle pain. 


Hello everyone, 
          It's been a while since I have uploaded anything. 
          I am and promised to prepare a fanfic a long while ago. But my writing is getting a little too slow because of personal life problems like Job, Family, Mental Health, Friends and ETC to deal with.
          But I am not going to drop the new fanfic.
          I am still going to be here on wattpad trying to push the fanfic when I can. 
          I have thought of starting non fanfic novels too, to try something new. But like I said before, Tokyo Revengers is my safe place to write stuff(even tho I have been distant from it).
          This kinda makes me not so motivated on writing with the little space I have.(but it is my problem, I have in mind that if I do not post Tokyo revenger stuff I will fall behind. But I forgot that the point of me writing from the start was always for fun, so it isn't really a problem now) 
          I would like to also say that if anyone wants to use my stuff as reference or translate it. Please reach out and give proper credit. If you happen to find any obvious or not allowed use of my work, please say something if able. Thank you.


Np take your time


Hey I found a story similar to yours and it looks like it got copied almost word for word on a part.


@_S0ULL_ sorry for late reply but np, I'm happy I could help. Before I messaged you abt this I made sure that your story was posted before theirs than just assuming.


@xylomaa I appreciate you ALOT for letting me know about this. Thank you


@xylomaa omg the motorcycle part is identical 


Eyy, missing author news here.
           my phone died and took me a while to fix it.
          Leg almost broke, hit the damn door with head and floor with my elbow but I am alive and fresh.
           Got a job and got sick in the stomach for long time.
          Slay period.
          Going to the point of this not so important announcement, I will try to keep writing 


Planing to end the Hiatus soon.
          And be releasing a new fanfic ngl 


@_S0ULL_ let's goo i love the way u write ur fics rlly hope u can make a book 2 to perfect with a good ending pls if u can


@_S0ULL_  Yay! Your fanfics are always so good, I’m super hyped already! I also hope you’re doing better now, you are amazing! :)


@_S0ULL_ omg cant wait hope youre doing well!!


Happy New Year Everyone!!!


@_S0ULL_ happy new years!!