
I'm back!! My AS levels are nearly over,leaving me with time to write!!! (Until the end of summer of course). What wpuld you like to see from me? Send me imagine requests, fan fiction or otherwise. Will write near enough anything you fancy, but obviously for celebs it's best if I know a bit about them


I'm back!! My AS levels are nearly over,leaving me with time to write!!! (Until the end of summer of course). What wpuld you like to see from me? Send me imagine requests, fan fiction or otherwise. Will write near enough anything you fancy, but obviously for celebs it's best if I know a bit about them


Hi I love your work:) could you read my new McBusted fanfiction called I'm a fletcher please?xx


@hollywoodreaderr  I LOVE IT!!!! Your story has such an interesting story line and you've really developed Bonnie well!!


@hollywoodreaderr Of course :) thank you so much, I'm glad you like my work!