
Well, I've updated... chapter 29. Finally. Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry for taking forever. @JaeDeShonWrites and @krittein you guys are babes.


@JaeDeShonWrites wooh I'm glad I updated in time then :)


So WP has a new layout.. Man, this just proves how long I haven't been on it on the laptop. Well school's over (for now) and I'm currently working on chapter 29 (damn, I haven't updated in so long, the words don't come as easily as before.) I'm struggling. Obviously. But I'm pushing myself through this barrier, so wish me luck? Also, I don't know if any of you cared enough to read this, but happy new year everyone. :) x


Hey there! I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support with my story. You're amazing and your comments are absolutely brilliant :D They give me so much motivation and confidence, I literally couldn't have done it without!!
          So thank you for being a lovely person :)


@LosPalmers :o you're so sweet! Thank You for being a brilliant author <3 can't wait to get back to reading about Richard's adorable antics. x


@krittein it's silly, really... Your book has too much fluff that ultimately reduces me into a puddle of fangirl mush and it makes me nervous. *Looks sheepish.* though I really wanna read about Logan... I can't update Unmasked even if I wanted to; I have to laptop with me D';


          It is, indeed, gorg. Heeey, Unmasked is nearing 10k reads! *whoop whoop*
          How've you been? :)


It is. :) I've been okaaaaaaay. You've been busy! How are you juggling so many books at once?! I have tons of new books to write but I just don't have the discipline to go through with it D: