
I am a very abnormal human.
          	Every single fanfic I have drafted has a ship that people wouldn’t usually ship. Like a really WEIRD ship (by others’ definition, not mine. I think they are absolutely fabulous). And by no means whatsoever is any ship of mine straight. 


Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are? <333333


@_serendipities i am abnormal too then, not rlly but js bc you like shipping people who most don't it doesn't make you weird. you're allowed to have your own interests and things you like so it doesn't rlly matter....and I think all the ships you choose are amaZHANG :)


I am a very abnormal human.
          Every single fanfic I have drafted has a ship that people wouldn’t usually ship. Like a really WEIRD ship (by others’ definition, not mine. I think they are absolutely fabulous). And by no means whatsoever is any ship of mine straight. 


Have I ever mentioned how amazing you are? <333333


@_serendipities i am abnormal too then, not rlly but js bc you like shipping people who most don't it doesn't make you weird. you're allowed to have your own interests and things you like so it doesn't rlly matter....and I think all the ships you choose are amaZHANG :)




@_serendipities okay I understand I'm also writing a story I don't know if you know or like the power rangers.


@dracula1673 I have to admit that my memory is quite fleeting so it’s not the best, but I do have a rough idea. I just really don’t think I’ll be able to ever get round to writing them because I have too many story ideas of my own going on rn. 


@_serendipities hey I never said that you needed to write this now only when you had time and I just wanted to know if you still remembered that idea, no big deal, sorry if it seemed like I was demanding something, but no, I just wanted to know, sorry if it seemed like something else.


I’m procrastinating writing fanfiction by reading fanfiction help


@_serendipities Same. I have fanfiction for my fanfiction in my mind but I avoid writing it.


Chapter 10 of Wish I Was Better is out!!!!!! Pls don't kill me after reading it.


@_serendipities what did you dooooo
            boutta go read it then i saw this now I'm scared
            should I be? 
            bc I am


Hiya peeps.
          Chapter 10 of Wish I Was Better is coming out soon, and it's going to be so torturous but good, its bittersweet. I'm crying and laughing and on my toes while writing it lol. The next chapter of The Curse of Chaos will be published later this week!


@_serendipities Yay! Excited to read them both


          I hope you all are doing epic, because everyone is epic and should feel epic. I am currently reading the Red Queen series and guys I defo recommend. It’s a rly fun read, and well written too. 
          ‘I am a murderer. 
          I killed the girl
          who once lived within the confines of this body,
          who once smiled so brightly,
          who found joy in the small things. 
          I killed her.
          All that remains are her dead eyes,
          dark eyes,
          casting away any light.
          Her memories have greyed, 
          her joy dead, 
          like Valentine’s roses wilting.
          I am a murderer, and I killed the girl I used to be.’
          (Written by me in roughly a minute so don’t roast my terrible poetry pls *puppy eyes*)


@_serendipities It's beautiful poetry


Hiya!!! How is everyone?
          So, to anyone who was worried, my mood has improved quite a bit and I’m not as doom and gloom as I was for the past few days.(Yippee :D lol I acc hate feeling so down. It’s annoying and exhausts me.) 
          Anyways, I’m ok now, and am literally itching to write something. If anyone has a request for an update or anything, let me know now lol. I’m rarely ever in a updating sorta mood XD
          Love you all <3
          Make sure to take care of yourselves, sleep on time and smile!!!


@olivialeO1234 Ikkk!!! Wattpad is so jarring for doing that.


I never really understood why people ever cut. I mean, why would you hurt yourself when people already hurt you so much? What good would it do? I wondered and wondered, even through all my depression. 
          Today, for the first time, I think I finally understand. 
          I’m not ok, these past few days have been really shitty and I’m so sorry for being so dark. I promise I’m not usually this gloomy.


@_serendipities your welcome dear, honestly I’m not sure how I put that into words either lol.


“Who’s the real you?
          The person who did something awful or the one that’s horrified by the awful thing you did?
          Is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?”
          - today’s quote 
          So basically…. I’m being indecisive again. 
          I’ve got like 50 books I’ve started but haven’t written more than a few chapters for. Should I publish them? Pls bear in mind I’m literally a very useless and lethargic human bean :D
          Help I think I’m high on air wth 


@jmloveinlaodicea I don’t know lol… I write the books I want to read so they are all my favourite in a way… and they have varying themes lol. Thank you tho!!!


@sUrAbH1 That is some of the best advice I’ve ever read when it comes to publishing. Thank so much much!!!! ♡


@_serendipities If you want. If you want to publish a book, you should publish the one you think you're either the most likely to update, or the least likely.
            I think you know the reason for most likely. The reason for least likely is that you would have a reason to keep updating it, you have readers that are reading it. Completely your choice what you want to do.