
not doing to well so this is where im done. if anyone would like to continue any stories feel free to.


Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! I hope you had fun. Mine was kinda a bust because I am a single Pringle but oh well!


Aw thanks! And I would take up that offer on Wattpad valentine buddies but it is nearly midnight for me so :P


@thenexttaylorswift me too, single as ever. Maybe we can be friendly wattpad valentines? hehehe, I'm glad you had fun today and a good day in general ;)


A letter that was going to write to y’all was apparently too long, so it deleted it. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED, OH MY FREAKING GOD. I swear I have been trying to write a meaningful letter to my followers for about an hour now, but I have to make it emotionless and short because it keeps deleting. Wtf. Anyways, I am just saying why I haven’t updated in a while;
          I haven’t updated cause i am a frickin stupid ass idiot. I am so stupid! I legit have an idea of how I want to continue the story and I have started to write it but I am lazy so I haven’t finished it.  This is making me really mad because a.) it is unsatisfying when you can’t update a hood decent chapter, and  b.) the letttr I wrote the two times before was so much more descriptive and good. So to say it short, I had a few prewritten chapter that I wrote in 2017.  I ran out of prewritten chapters but it wasn’t a big deal before I had the biggest writers block. I did eventually come over it but rn I am having trouble continuing the chapter I am writing. I have it all planes out tho but I wrote these letter to basically state this; 
          1.) no I am not discontinuing the lost and found story, I love writing it.
          2.) updates will be RANDOM. They are going to be super random.
          And finally 
          3.) I am sorry for all the bull**** I have been pulling with the damn school excuse and I will try to not use it again. I am sorry to all the fans of the book who have been reading it since I first published it. Thank you for staying with me through thick and thin. May god bless you.


@Allen901 ❤️ you fill my heart with joy. your meaningful comments make me feel better about myself for not updating. I hope that everyone around you feels blessed to know a kind human soul like yourself. I think it is a miracle for a person to have this much kindness in their hearts to be able to make me this happy. I wish you health, happiness, and love all around.


@thenexttaylorswift Hey don't worry it's okay, and yeah I know what you're feeling right now as it is happening to me as well. Well, it the stories lazyness I'm struggling, and about school I'm starting on Tuesday which makes me a bit nervous cause is my final year before college. I wish you the best of luck in school and don't worry about your stories, we will be here and wait for you for another great chapter which I know they will. Have a good night/day :)
            PD: I love your superflash stories, the Lost and Found is so lovely as I ready pleanty of times ;)


hey everyone, I am sorry that I haven't updated SuperFlash: Falling back in love and Lost & Found in the longest time. I have severe writer's block right now so I am trying to ease it by writing a different story. sorry again!


@Allen901 omg thank you so much! This has just made my day. I will try my best to update Lost & Found but I have the worst writer block! I am slowly adding parts to it everyday so thank you for this boost in encouragement!


@thenexttaylorswift Hey don't worry, we understand if you need time :)
            Also I really love your superflash stories, you have a great writting too, the Lost and Found story is amazing by the way, I finished reading it and is so cool, keep this amazing job and I'm looking foward for updates wherever you're ready ;)