
I know its a little late but I can announce that the Second Season/Volume premiere of Life as  Commander is out!
          	That's the good news. The bad news is that the there wont be a clear upload schedule for the story as of now at least. It will only be updated when I have the time to do so. 
          	That's all from me. BYE BYE!


I know its a little late but I can announce that the Second Season/Volume premiere of Life as  Commander is out!
          That's the good news. The bad news is that the there wont be a clear upload schedule for the story as of now at least. It will only be updated when I have the time to do so. 
          That's all from me. BYE BYE!


          And to my Azur Lane readers, boy do I have a surprise for you. A Christmas special chapter for the holiday season. This is my first time doing such a thing because I am in no way organized enough to write one before the big day but I did it. 
          That's about everything for now. BYE BYE!


@acroyang MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope all your wishes come true


Hey guys. Sorry for no uploads for the past few weeks. Exams and assignments have been absolute pain recently and haven't given me the time to work on my stories. But I should be back on the grind in about a week or so. So stay tuned everyone! 
          That's everything from me. Bye Bye!


@acroyang It's good that you're okay, keep going!


Hello Everyone! I'm back with a new story to show you all! I really hope you'll enjoy it! This one will take place in the world of Arknights which is one that I've been wanting to do for a really long time.
          That's all for me now. Bye Bye!!!


@ acroyang  ok  


@ALEJOSTEFANI as for the AK story it is going to be a harem. 
            Life as a commander, I do plan on continuing but as for when. It may be a while because I want to focus on the AK story for now.


Hello, very good. I hope you have a great time. One question, is this story going to have a harem?  and when are you going to continue life as a commander?


It's a little late for this announcement but it better late then never.
          I have officially finished the first volume of my Azur lane fic!! Yay! I'll be taking a break from that fic to focus on another story that I've been working on behind the scenes so I hope you all will enjoy it when I publish it.


@acroyang hey bro! you still remember that story?


U live ?


@ PiotrZazaz  ok


@PiotrZazaz sure am. Trying to juggle school and this can get hard but I'm still here. I'm currently working on two stories behind the scenes along with the azur lane one so yeah, kinda busy. :)