
Hello, I disappeared for too long. But it was for something good. I have finished the book of Dragon Riders. I'll be editing it soon and reposting everything up! :D


Hey, I've always missing your co-story with brooke, but it's alright, I still can bide. Btw, love your poem. When are you gonna updt it ? :') just ask. Seriously, love it.


@ageofthewriter hey, can you check out my work ? It seems like needing some improvise. So, I need ur help to have a look on it. Thax :')


Hello everyone! Its been a while!! And I'm sorry. I suck. I have no excuse for me to have stop writing and updating. Well, unless you count work and becoming a Pokemon Master and traveling around with the lady that has stolen my heart!! :) She is just amazing. She has change me in so many ways. But yeah, anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be posting the newest chapter very soon. I've been working on it and have to make the last touches. Just wait!! :) Thanks!!


Did you actually update???


@Devil0Icee0Angel i didn't forget you -.-' just that you read my book, dummy