
I just saw that multiple writing platforms are using my stories without my permission and sadly there's nothing that I can do to stop it. 
          	This means that i might have to take all my stories down to stop it. 
          	If any of you have any idea to help, please let me know. 


I already contacted Wattpad but they said they can't really do anything because my books are not owned by them. And as for that platform, i already sent them multiple emails but i still haven't got any response. And in fact, I'm not the only author that they stole from. They literally copy paste everything which is really so sad. 


I don't know if this is helpful but maybe you should report it to Wattpad team... It's really crazy when your work is stolen... So sorry Nafiza


@ahmednafiza  maybe reporting them with all of your followers would be enough to take the copyrighted story to take down 


Tired of finding the perfect book? Tired of the cliche romance, something perfect? Join me! A whole blend of romance, with mystery, crime, suspense, erotica, thrill, action and of course drama! I'm also a consistent updater so no worries with waiting for the book:) Follow me to know what happens next in the story and VOTE, COMMENT!! Go read!


Lisa is the youngest and oddball sister among her two gorgeous sisters, but she is actually pretty happy with her appearance and couldn't really care less about beauty until the most beautiful boy she has ever seen pays them a visit. She is initially drawn to the boy and develops feelings for him, but she is surprised to learn that he is a bully who is haughty and conceited and who thinks that only attractive people should be seen with him. All of this occurs so quickly, and Lisa puts on a front as though she is unaffected by these lovely monster words.https://www.wattpad.com/story/366486202?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=233catsanddogs


Hey, sorry for posting here but i am past the desperate line. So please check out my story.
          Sisters before misters
          Family drama
          Soft romance 
          Couple 1 tropes
          Arranged marriage 
          Marriage in crisis
          Reverse Grumpy x sunshine 
          She fell first but he fell harder
          Couple 2 tropes 
          Childhood friends to lovers 
          Friends with benefits 
          Sunshine couple
          He fell first and harder


Hey author! 
          I am also an author on Wattpad. Can you please check out my book, "CONFINED BY VOWS"? It is a dark romance book. 
          Here are a few dialogues from my book which can give you an idea about the book: 
          "I wish I had never met you. I wish I had never talked with you because you have made my life a hell. You are that black curse in my life which is not letting me die and not letting me live in peace". 
          "Yes, I may be the black curse or malediction. Call me anything you want but you can do nothing about it but accept me and accept our marriage. Believe it or not but you are confined by the vows we had taken". 
          Here is the link to my book: 


Hey idk when you'll see this but I really enjoy reading what you write! My email is hollmantrinity@gmail.com and I'd love to edit your story, you know like correct spelling and stuff like that. I understand that re-reading could be a hassle but I am more than willing to do it. So get back to me when you can and we can talk more.
