
Hi everyone! Long time, no talk! I took a much-needed hiatus from Lemonade because I was severely unmotivated, but now I'm ready to get back in the saddle and finish it up, so get ready for more Lemonade updates to come! For now, I hope you enjoy my new chapter of Rebound Girl. Thanks for the support!


@alex_veronica whooo! Hope you're doing ok. I'm v excited for lemonade!



Hi everyone! Long time, no talk! I took a much-needed hiatus from Lemonade because I was severely unmotivated, but now I'm ready to get back in the saddle and finish it up, so get ready for more Lemonade updates to come! For now, I hope you enjoy my new chapter of Rebound Girl. Thanks for the support!


@alex_veronica whooo! Hope you're doing ok. I'm v excited for lemonade!


Hi everyone! I have some exciting news: When Life Gives You Lemons is now a paid story! The first four chapters (prologue-chapter 3) are free, and then there will be a paywall. If you’re looking for a free story, Lemonade is still fully free and it can be read as a standalone! I promise there will be updates coming soon; I haven’t abandoned it forever. Thank you for your patience and always supporting me!


Congrats!! That's awesome! Can't wait for more Lemonade :(


@alex_veroni: I've waited so long for nothing, but then again I'm so happy for you!!!


Hi everyone! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to update Lemonade, I’ve been in such a bad rut lately and especially busy with my new post-grad full-time job. I really want to get the next chapter up within the next two weeks, and hopefully the rest of the story will follow. I do have the whole outline written, so it hopefully shouldn’t take too long! Thank you so much for your patience; I know many of you are eager to finish Emma’s story!


@alex_veronica hi! I just fisniehd what you have for the second book and I love it! I hope you can eventually get back to it!’


@alex_veronica no problem take your time 
            We can wait an eternity for lemonade since its such an amazing book