
Hey there! So I am curious if any of my readers would enjoy me writing a different, original story as well as my Kai Parker book. i would live to be able to share some of my original story ideas I've had scribbled down in my notes. Please comment so I can start writing the book. Thank you! 


Hey there! So I am curious if any of my readers would enjoy me writing a different, original story as well as my Kai Parker book. i would live to be able to share some of my original story ideas I've had scribbled down in my notes. Please comment so I can start writing the book. Thank you! 


Thank you for all the love on my story. I am working incredibly hard to write this next chapter while juggling my college classes and work. I promise this chapter will be bigger and better than any of them yet! It includes a major plot twist that nobody saw coming. Please keep showing it love, your kindness helps to fuel me to write more! xo


Hello there! The new chapter will be up tonight, around 11:59 est. It is longer than my other chapters, around 2,000 words. The next chapter should be up this coming Friday, but I will update you. I am leaving town this coming Saturday, the 9th, and won't be home till the 25th. However, I will still be updating during the trip so please don't lose hope in me! Thank you for sticking with me! xo