
I do plan to finish A Bride for the Asking one day. Right now I am working and that makes it hard to find the time.


Hey Alora! I stumbled upon "The Sound of Running Water" and it kept me at the edge of my seat throughout. You're talented and I really enjoyed your story. :)
          Jing Jing
          Community @ Wattpad


@alorasilverleaf That's what kept me on the edge of my seat! You had so much courage (and this is coming from someone who is freaked out by mice and bugs)!


@Jing_Jing thank you very much. It was based on a true event that really happened to me.


i was just wondering, are you still on here?I've been reading "A Bride for the Asking"! it is such a fantastic book and so well written!!I was just wondering if you plan to finish it?God Bless you!


@alorasilverleaf if you need anything,don't hesitate to ask.take care of yourself and God Bless † † †..♥~kelly


@alorasilverleaf i completely understand..I am so sorry about your mom!I know when you lose someone close to you,it's really hard to get back into the swing of things..take your time and take care of YOU first!the last thing you need right now is getting overwhelmed and fatigued and making yourself sick!I hope things get back to normal for you soon!!God Bless!!!♥~kelly


I just read and loved your book A Bride For The Asking, and really enjoyed it. I was wondering if you were planning to continue with it? Sorry if I am being ignorant, I just noticed it has been on hold for a little while, and enjoyed it enough to hope it will get an ending. Hope all is well with you:)


You just take the time You need to get through this tough emotional time you are going through. I for one can wait for you to get back to a good place for writing. Your writing style is worth the wait. And God Bless!