
I already have 8 chapters queued for MoaH and none of it comes out for like two months. There’s definitely gonna be a full update week return ready by then. 
          	Also really looking forward to the Tuesday to Friday gap this week with GoS. Some stuff’s gonna happen for for suresies. 


I already have 8 chapters queued for MoaH and none of it comes out for like two months. There’s definitely gonna be a full update week return ready by then. 
          Also really looking forward to the Tuesday to Friday gap this week with GoS. Some stuff’s gonna happen for for suresies. 


The biggest dissonance jumping back into MoaH after wrapping on GoS is that I keep having to remind myself that MoaH Link is not kitted out like GoS Link was in the final chapters. It has led to a lot of resourceful combat and some rewrites that I’m really happy. 
          There is also a reasonable likelihood that MoaH will return with a week of updates like GoS did but I’ll fill y’all in on that later when we’re closer to. Two weeks now to the Beginning of the End. 


Oh, I forgot how much fun MoaH is. Ah, it’s good to be back in the saddle here. 
          Updates for MoaH won’t start until after GoS is all out but there are edits going out for MoaH in the mean time. I would recommend reading the edits if you’re planning to come back to MoaH. There’ve been some substantial edits to refine the plot and a couple new characters added (congrats, Link, you’re a big brother now). 


@doubtfulloser I’m glad to hear it! I can’t send updates as easily for edit updates as I can new chapters but I can say that any chapters I’ve edited moving forward will have new banner images in their headers. There’s a few up now for MoaH. 


@amelias-hart WOoooooooo excited to get back into MoaH too :D


It's done. All queued up. I really can't believe it. Also, in just two months? I took 7 years to knock it out in two months? Crazy. I'm gonna just start telling y'all I took a nap in the Temple of Time and that's why it took so long.
          I'll spare you all the big chunk of details until we get to the Beginning of the End so you can focus on enjoying the Earth Temple, but I will have a bigger blurb out on the finale after that point. What I will say for now is that the last update is queued for July 26th.
          I am severely dehydrated now, so I'm gonna go drink a gallon of water and get to work on some behind the scenes stuff. Which, again, some of that is going up on that Tumblr blog that is currently hidden from tags (we're working on it) but there's a lot of artsy stuff that I'm really proud of and I hope y'all like it too.


Four updates left! It's getting real close here and I'm totally not ready for it. I've added my LoZ Tumblr blog to my profile description now for easier access since Tumblr immediately suppressed it for? Reasons? I dunno. In any case, I've got like two weeks of sketches and doodles from the GoS process queued to go up on there. Please give it a look because I'm totally hidden in tags over there right now. Also some fun memory lane looking through 12 years of planning.
          And for MoaH folks, I have plans to release sneak peaks of the new map(s) and updated covers for that fic in a couple weeks to prep getting back to working on that fic as well. My partner is helping me get the map ready to go, and if you've seen the world map for Word Walkers, then you know it's gonna be incredible. I also have anon asks open so if you've got any questions at all about the process, send 'em my way!
          Alrighty, time for final sprints through this thing! Again, please send fluids.


@Hummbirds Yeah, sorry about that  Still trying to get it fixed but seems like there’s a big backlog on the issue.


I was wondering why I was getting weird “ghost” activity notifications on tumblr, probably due to you reblogging my art and it getting new activity, but the shadowban was preventing me from seeing what exactly the activity was


Hi, another small update! We're getting there with GoS, only 7 chapters left. This is more additional content kinda of stuff. I want to share more of the artwork I'm doing and have done for my LoZ fics, particularly in higher res than I can here on Wattpad or on my Instagram where I have been sharing pictures so far (I'm also probably going to be leaving Insta because of some new policy changes over there). But I've set up a Tumblr blog for art sharing, and author & character asks. I will still be respond to and adding answers to the author AMA here as well where I can, this blog is just to help compile the stuff I can't and to have another avenue for interacting with y'all.
          I'll be adding the link to my here soon, but if you want to give amelias-zelda-calamity-quintet a follow before then, the blog is up and running if in need of some updating. I'll be uploading things like the drafts & finals for all the new covers, the new book icons, and probably some previews for the new MoaH map. There will also likely be some old art uploads of sketches I did of all my Links & Zeldas and some other doodles I've done for my fics over the years. All bonus stuff, but hoping to have some fun with it.


Ugh, it's been up for 3 hours and the blog's already shadowbanned somehow. Love that. In any case, the link is in my


I do love that despite not getting updated, MoaH is currently ranking better than GoS. We love that for MoaH. 
          To that point, GoS is still not appearing on a number of high volume Zelda related tags due to bugs despite ranking very highly on others (again, thank y'all for the support). We went from like 38th in #legendofzelda to not showing up at all on that tag, so I am a little confused and trying to figure out a fix. In the mean time, please share GoS off Wattpad as we're heading into the end here. It's a huge finale and probably some of the best combat I've ever written. 
          I'm going to try and post some more on other platforms about this as well, but due to all the hiatuses, I'm sure there are some folks who used to read GoS who have stopped checking for updates (understandable, it was 7 years) and even if folks don't catch up, I'm hoping to reach just a few more people to thank them for supporting me on this journey and I'd appreciate any help I can get to reach them. GoS really would never have been what it is without all of you, and I want everyone who has ever read it to know that. Or as close as I can get to everyone.
          10 more chapters to write, it really is getting down the end of things here. I'll have dates for you all soon for the final releases. There's a whole thing to queue up about it, but yeah. I can tell you now that the Beginning of the End is releasing on June 14th and we only ramp up from there.


Um, it's getting a little too real over here. Just scheduled the first post of the final "dungeon", which has us queued into July with double weekly updates. Maybe some big feelings happening over this.
          And don't worry, I'm not going to get too far ahead of all of you. All things going according to plan, July is the month, the big finale. There will be a full week of daily updates for the final 7-10 chapters (I'm still pinning down days to see if it's exactly a week or not). I am trying to give myself a reasonable buffer if I need to pause for any reason, and also so that I can get some ducks in a row for things around and after the finale.
          It took 12 years folks, but here we go. Please send fluids, I've been crying a lot.


@doubtfulloser @Voided__ Thank y’all. Would not be here without all of y’all’s support along the way. 


@amelias-hart Been reading since, oh, gotta say 2018, and it is really freaking exciting that you're bringing us the finale to this glorious book!!


@amelias-hart WOOOOoooooooo thats so exciting :D


We are now queued out for the entirety of the Earth Temple, the Howling Caverns. This has double weekly updates scheduled into June, with more on the way.
          There is some steady momentum at the moment on my end. There are less than 20 chapters left to write on GoS, and I can't believe we're here, particularly after so long. All going to plan, we should be reaching the end of this journey this July.


I'm passing this on since I've been chatting with Support this morning about it: There are some of the higher volume tags (like #legendofzelda and #thelegendofzelda within my realm of uploads) that are experiencing some visibility bugs. It means that stories like GoS, despite having these tags, aren't visible under them in searches. For anyone experiencing something similar, please support a ticket as it increases the priority for the team's queue.
          And for anyone else who has been enjoying mine or anyone else's work affected by this, it means shares are doubly effective right now as we're not been shared via normal means. For anyone who does take a minute to help out GoS or other writers dealing with this, y'all are angels!