
Hey again.
          	Unfortunately, I've unfollowed everyone I formerly followed that I couldn't remember. A lot of you I've also possibly unfollowed to cut ties with a certain community that I no longer agree with.
          	I'm still following the few friends I've had here from the start of my time on Wattpad, and I hope you guys remember me too, haha.
          	It seems like no one saw my announcement so I'll assume that none of you remember me, which is fine. I just want to keep this account for my own memory, to look back on, which again is another reason I unfollowed so many people I didn't know well.
          	 I'll respond to comments and DMs for the next week or so.


@-OnceSpokeOfAnAngel- Hey! Yeah, sorry about this but I kind of forgot you too... I followed you again though. Good to see you still alive and active!


Heyo, I remember you! We used to be friends, I can’t remember how we met or when but it’s good to see that you’re still alive! 


Hey again.
          Unfortunately, I've unfollowed everyone I formerly followed that I couldn't remember. A lot of you I've also possibly unfollowed to cut ties with a certain community that I no longer agree with.
          I'm still following the few friends I've had here from the start of my time on Wattpad, and I hope you guys remember me too, haha.
          It seems like no one saw my announcement so I'll assume that none of you remember me, which is fine. I just want to keep this account for my own memory, to look back on, which again is another reason I unfollowed so many people I didn't know well.
           I'll respond to comments and DMs for the next week or so.


@-OnceSpokeOfAnAngel- Hey! Yeah, sorry about this but I kind of forgot you too... I followed you again though. Good to see you still alive and active!


Heyo, I remember you! We used to be friends, I can’t remember how we met or when but it’s good to see that you’re still alive! 


Hey guys, I just wanted to check up on this dead account for 2024, although I'm nearly 20 days late.
          This announcement is probably going to get ignored which is fine by me, but I just wanted to say a couple of things.
          I've unpublished all my works, maybe I'll rewrite them at a later date (probably not though). 
          I'm not sure if any of my friends are still active (I have seen a couple of you making announcements to this day, good on you!) The main reasons I quit Wattpad were that I lost interest in writing fiction and I've become much more religious (alhamdulillah).  
          I noticed that I lost around half my followers, which I'm fine with but I'd really appreciate if any of you that are still around reply to this, just to reminisce a bit.
          I'm not proud of alot of the friends I made here, and looking back on it this was definitely the cringiest phase of my life, but I'm glad I could learn from it. I wish I could tag some of my best friends here, but I honestly don't know all of your new usernames, haha. It would be great if you guys just dropped in to let me know.
          All in all, I'm most likely not going to write anymore with AI taking over the creative writing industry and whatnot. Maybe non-fiction in the future. 
          But I had a great (although embarrassing) time on this site, and I just want to thank all the friends I've made on here.
          Salam to all my Muslim brothers and sisters, and goodbye to everyone else!


i used to be so cringe here. i just had to unpublish a couple of my older stories because just reading it just made me think, "i wrote this? people read this? do they still remember? please tell me they don't" 
          anyways, if any of you guys are still alive tell me how cringe i was and scream at me because i need to know if you still exist


@analyzone you were cringe, but we were all cringe


again, it's really been a very long time. it's 2023 now, isn't that amazing?
          looking back on this site reminds me of how cringe i used to be.
          what a time it has been, thank you all so much for the memories.
          yknow what, ill actually return now. ill work on my satire book. i just looked back and felt like i shouldn't abandon something that was genuinely kinda funny.
          again, thanks for everything, and i might be coming back permanently.
          also reply to me nerds
          signing off,


hey guys
          been a while, hasn't it?
          a lot has happened these past few months
          so do you guys think i should try to be active again?
          is there a point?


@tre_corde chili sauce > ketchup


@analyzone why, you may ask? it is because i shall give you a packet of ketchup.


@analyzone y e s ,  y o u  s h o u l d .


reply to me nerds


@-MOONL4CE ah i see that's cool


@analyzone also if you didn’t know I’m Wise_girl_4_life. Your old friend but my user has changed lol


@analyzone I’ve been summoned