
If anyone wants their books reviewed, @StarlightCommunity just gave me honest and helpful feedback on my book! They gave a very thorough review, highlighting some aspects I need to improve and acknowledging others that I’m doing right. Certainly worth checking them out!


hi Please can you vote My story I need it for my school project, we're making a story about something like  School love, also in exchange I  will vote your stories back thankyouu!


Of course, I’d be happy to check it out!


Thank you for following me! 
          Hopefully we can continue to support each other and become friends with Time.
           Feel free to reach out anytime for a chat.
           See you around!


Of course, thanks for the follow as well!


Hi aniviawrites! 
          Thank you so much for allowing us to review your story Against All Odds. The review is up and live now over on our community page. 
          ✨All reviews are subjective and authors can request a review from another team member if they are not satisfied with their overall score✨


Thank you so much for the review! So grateful for the honest and insights!


Hey. Wanted to introduce myself. I'm reviewing your book "Against All Odds" for the Starlight book review. I look forward to reading your book and seeing what you have to offer. Occasionally I will make comments in passing, but I will submit a review once I am far enough along to submit one. 
          No payment is necessary for the review, but I always encourage people to check out my own works. Anyway, can't wait to get started.


Appreciate it, thanks for checking it out! I’ll certainly check out some of your works as well!


I just finished Horizon Forbidden West and it’s such a fulfilling end to the second part of the trilogy. RPGs are honestly soo fun because of the dedication to the story and world building. There’s so many themes that show up throughout and come together at the end that connects the protagonist and everyone around them. I’m so mind blown by how amazing the commitment is in some of the games I play, and I think RPGs have made me love writing and reading most with how immersive and beautiful the stories can be. If you like video games and reading, the Horizon game series is a 10/10


I just realized I posted the last chapter a day early lmao, my mental calendar is not calendaring. It’s not a big deal, but I was up late because I wanted to add a section to the chapter and I could have been sleeping lol. Do you guys ever just have such a mundane routine that everyday (minus the weekends) feel the same and you forget what day it is? Or maybe it’s just me and the fact that I work from home.


@shecallsmeherangel_ good to know I’m not the only one haha 


@aniviawrites no, I do that all the time. Or I'll send emails to my employers at 2 am, instead of at 9 am. I forget that other people have a different time clock.


          Good evening besties!
          New chapter is up and it is a filler, but it’s not unimportant. As you’ve read, the plot is very involved with lots of happening at all times, and I want to make sure there’s some breaks in between. It’ll be among the shorter chapters in the book and the next two will be on the longer side, so it balances out. So much of this book has been going day by day because of how eventful it is, but this is my way of inserting time skips while still having relevant events.
          A few people were wondering about when or if volleyball would be included, so this chapter features the final volleyball game and some bonding with the gang. Nothing too exciting, but some insight into the characters. This will be the last filler chapter of the book, we are zoomin’ towards the end with no brakes. Still finalizing the end of the book, but as of right now, we have less than ten chapters remaining.
          With love, 
          Anivia ♡


@shecallsmeherangel_ Aw, thank you so much, I'm so glad to hear it! Luckily, it's just an end to one of three books, and the following books rise in drama as they go, so much to look forward to!


@aniviawrites I'm so happy to hear that you're finishing up your amazing book, I'm so proud of you, but I am also really sad to see it end. It has been such a good read!