
Chapter 16 of Dark Salvation will be split into two parts.
          	16.1 is updated and ready for reading.
          	Hope you enjoy it! ❤️


I just edited a little bit of 14.2 of Dark Salvation to add a bit more depth to the last scene ;)))
          Tomorrow, I will continue writing 15, and if everything goes according to plan, I will make an update.
          As for tonight, I plan to catch up with my reads (finally, reading time for me) once I prepare dinner. So many amazing read awaits me to catch up with :)))
          How's your weekend going on so far?


@nikszabo Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ I just published chapter 15, I hope you will enjoy it ❤️


Hi guys,
          I just published "Virtual Coffee with Anna," so I invite you all to join me for a cup of virtual coffee and a nice chat about reading, writing, and everything else!
          You are welcome to share your books (or the ones you are reading), talk about why you are passionate about them, what inspired you to write them, etc.
          I am waiting for you! ❤️


1K reads on Dark Salvation! Yey!
          Thank you so much! ❤️


And a follow-up to my previous shout-out,
          Don't miss out Skye and the City by @Pollyf79
          Another masterpiece from her ❤️