
So much to write but not enough time T-T


Hi! I just want to know what happened to the other chapters of "Etoile"?? I noticed that there was missing chapters or is it intentional?? I went straight to your profile after I read the nishinoya fanfic 


@queenie_louizeeee Yep!! Not sure if you had a chance to look through the story yet, but it was set up that way on purpose!


          i want to learn and improve my graphics more, any advice you could give me?


@mxyirin Haha, I'm not sure if I'm the best person to ask because I honestly don't think my graphic skills are too good but I will try.
            When I make graphics, I like to look for a general theme or inspiration. I took a lot of inspiration from manga covers and magazine covers. My current theme is a Chinese New Year-themed one which I took a lot of inspiration from the red packets my mom would buy every year for me and my cousins! She was very insistent they had to be pretty because she received lots of ugly ones as a kid and as a result, they were always super memorable to me!
            Something else I would say is to get inspiration from other people. Deviant art is a nice place to look, I like to skim through people's MAL edits or anime banner edits. Even if they aren't covers exactly, just a general vibe to get my brain going helps. And there are other talented graphic artists here on Wattpad too! @SOUYAMILK is a super-talented anime graphics maker, and her covers always inspire me. Hope this helped!!


Dear author....
           Wahhhhhh th way you wrote the book Rapunzel 
          I'm in loveeee ahahahah!!!!
          Seriously your writing skills took me off guard. I'm not much of a commentor but after reading and finishing the freaking book in 2 days without sleep I'm happy 
          I also want to be writer and currently am writing but it's still not good enough as I was looking for something to read I stumbled upon Rapunzel and out of curiosity even though I didn't saw ouran high school host club I read this book ajd believe me I was soo hooked up 
          The things I would say even though I read many books not like I'm saying anything to others but so far my favourite is yours and will be definitely favourite in the future 
          Thankyou for writing this amazing story.


@Laylapark95 Thank you so much for all the support!! I know it's been a while, and I was a bit busy when you left this message but I promise you it made me super happy during a pretty busy time!! 
            Also 2 days is really fast haha! People average about 5 days to a week to finish Rapunzel because of how long it is


Hey everyone! The newest chapter of Heartstring Marionette is up! But not just that, I started a Tumblr account! You'll be able to find short stories/drabbles, mid-writing thoughts, as well as personal updates on it!
          I'm still a little new to Tumblr, so it'll take me a while to get to all the features. But please come by and say hi!


Oh, and thank you so much to @__inELIgible__ for helping me understand Tumblr a bit better, haha!


Happy Lunar New Year everyone!!
          祝大家身体健康,万事如意,步步高升, 龙马精神!!
          I have a small gift for the Heartstring Marionette fans later today :3
          Chapter 6 will be coming before I descend back into scriptwriting/job-hunting hell for a few weeks!!


@astrella- thank u for being such a great mutual/friend too! it's always so enjoyable to talk to you and i hope this year will be good to you! AND AHAJSDS YAYYYY i'll be reading it as soon as i get my assignments done UNI IS A B*TCH </3


@SOUYAMILK ITS UP NOW!! SORRY FOR THE WAIT!! 祝你龙年大吉 Raine! Thanks for being such a great mutual/friend <333


@astrella- 新年快乐!!! <33 and AHDSKJ IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEW CHAPTER!!!!! <333


There are times when I look back on my wattpad page and remember the day my name became Astra. (No, it's not my real name, haha. Just a pen name).
          I was 11 years old, making a Wattpad account to support a friend who started posting her very own story on here. I looked up "Baby Girl Names" and picked the first one that sounded interesting (Astra starts with an A). And ever since then, it became a name I respond to besides my own. I made a Haikyuu Kareshi Tiktok under the same name, and I have close friends who just call me by that because it's also my Discord handle. Crazy how life works, isn't it?


@astrella- and im excited for when her backstory is finally revealed im literally so curious to find out what that brief flashback was about >_<


@astrella- dnfndfs omg no way!?!?!? that's literally super sweet of you haha (*≧∀≦*) and hahahaha now im curious to find out what names you came up with hahaha,, and im so glad homura was chosen because i actually really like that name!! homura = flames which i think really suits Homura as from what i've read so far - she can be childish and chaotic but she can be fiery and fierce when needed and deep down she's really passionate about her job as a marine as proven by her actions in dryad bay arc by saving the town from raven's crimes and killing him herself for justice


@SOUYAMILK That's such a cute story!! I always thought Raine is such a cute name, I even added it to my pocket notebook for writing under "Character Name Ideas" because of you! I kinda miss the feeling of starting fresh with a new name too, except I am awful at naming things. All of the protagonists in my stories were actually named by my beta readers because they would tell me  the ones I picked were awful lol (including Homura)


AHHHH LUNAR NEW YEAR THEME!?!?!?!? i absolutely ADORE IT!!! the covers are so pretty afnsdfd i love the pngs u used <33


@SOUYAMILK AHHH!! I MISS CELEBRATING WITH FAMILY ESPECIALLY!! Also all the red pocket money you'd get hehe. I need to return to Genshin to pull for her, but I have so much work piled up, and stressing about job apps T-T. I'll probably hop back on once I secure something though :))


@astrella- omg same!! though i miss spending lunar new year in china since it’s always so lively and we prepare so much food to eat hahah :”) AND OH I DONT BLAME U!!! she’s absolutely gorgeous - i love her design so much!!! u betcha that i will definitely be pulling for her on her rerun since i was saving for raiden ^^”


@SOUYAMILK Yes!! Lunar New Year is one of my favorite holidays, haha. And thank you <3 I'm currently in love with Navia, hehe.


I started an internship at this studio as a writing/producing intern. But what I didn't realize and they didn't disclose to me until we started is that they basically want me to be an AI trainer tool to help them write their light novel.. I'm heartbroken by this.


@pluvialilies Yeah, I’m also doing it for the credits. I need an internship to graduate from my major for some god forbidden reason 


@astrella- || wtf thats messed up, usually i'd just say that u should quit ur internship (especially if its unpaid) but im assuming youre doing it for the experience (?) theyre obviously taking advantage of u tho


This is unpaid too, meaning maybe 2 years later, I can see their book somewhere in Barnes and Noble, pick it up, and find my writing in it replicated without credit or compensation by artificial intelligence. This sucks