
“We need to decide what we’re going to do,” Marcia says, suddenly springing back to life. “Because whatever we tell Porfirio is going to be our story for the next two weeks. Are you Oscar’s employee or his girlfriend?” 
          	Lor and Oscar are BACK! And they’re off to work together, sit on a very small plane seat together, squish into the back corner of a limousine together, and, well, decide if they want to be with each other? It’s a loaded chapter, and I’m so excited for you all to read it. I plan to post a chapter every week or two, so we’re back in business on this one, and I’m so excited! 
          	You can read that chapter right here: 
          	I’m also looking for readers for my offline book that will be self-published without ever hitting Wattpad (I know! I’m sorry). So if you’re interested in getting your hands on a super secret beta reader copy of that, send me a message, and I’ll help you out. 
          	For more information on why I took the break, self-publishing, a super secret short story I’ve been working on, what I’m planning for the future, and life in general, you can check out my blog book here: 
          	Alright, that's all for now, friends. 
          	See you soon,


I hope this message finds you well. I recently published my book, ‘Courage Unveiled,’ on Wattpad, and I’m reaching out to wonderful individuals like yourself who appreciate meaningful stories.
          Would you be open to checking out my book? I’d love to hear your thoughts or feedback. Additionally, if you find it resonates with you, sharing it within your network could immensely help me reach more readers. ❤️✨



“We need to decide what we’re going to do,” Marcia says, suddenly springing back to life. “Because whatever we tell Porfirio is going to be our story for the next two weeks. Are you Oscar’s employee or his girlfriend?” 
          Lor and Oscar are BACK! And they’re off to work together, sit on a very small plane seat together, squish into the back corner of a limousine together, and, well, decide if they want to be with each other? It’s a loaded chapter, and I’m so excited for you all to read it. I plan to post a chapter every week or two, so we’re back in business on this one, and I’m so excited! 
          You can read that chapter right here: 
          I’m also looking for readers for my offline book that will be self-published without ever hitting Wattpad (I know! I’m sorry). So if you’re interested in getting your hands on a super secret beta reader copy of that, send me a message, and I’ll help you out. 
          For more information on why I took the break, self-publishing, a super secret short story I’ve been working on, what I’m planning for the future, and life in general, you can check out my blog book here: 
          Alright, that's all for now, friends. 
          See you soon,


Hey, friends! Did you know @BootcampMentors application is OPEN until the end of the day on May 15th? If you've been thinking of applying, now is the time!  
          You can find the information here:
          And details about my own wishlist here:
          That's all for now, folks! I'm still on a posting hiatus for the rest of the month (ish) while I work on some stuff. I'll share more with you at the end of the month and make sure to announce here when I post the next chapter. 
          Thanks for stopping by, and I'll see you soon! 


Exciting Stuff Ahead!
          First, I'm volunteering as a Wattys Bootcamp Mentor this year. Which means one lucky human is going to get to talk with me about their book for several months and endure my cheerleader attitude. If you or someone you know might be interested in that, please check out more info here:
          Second, I officially wrote and submitted four stories for ONC. Which means there are four stories newly completed on my profile for you binge-reading types. Runaway Fiancés, Don't Want to be Queen, Christmas at the Cabin, and Love, Lies & Red Eyes are all done! 
          And finally, I've begun work on a brand new, never-before-seen series to self-publish. This will be a long process, and I've only just starte,  so thereisn'tt much to tease yet, but I'm so excited to get started! 
          I can say that there's hockey involved. And that this series idea has been sitting in my documents almost as long as I've been writing. 
          And that's all I have! So now, I'm going to take a week or two off posting to just recharge the batteries and catch up on some stuff that got a little neglected. I'll still be around to chat, though, if you want to message me or leave comments on my stories. 
          Happy Reading! 


@ItsTheQuietGirls Awe, that is so kind, thank you! I wish you all the luck brushing up your entry and look forward to reading it. ❤️


@authorelizasolares lots of very exciting news! Having you as a mentor would be a dream so very tempted to brush up a story I think would be a good fit to enter!


"I'm not moving. And I'm not breathing either. Because I'm having a hallucination and I don't want it to disappear."
          Guess who Marcos sees in the last chapter of Runaway Fiancés! You don't have to guess, of course, because this is a Romance. Check out the last chapter now!!! 

          I hope you love it,
          ~ Eliza 
          P.S. For those keeping count at home, four of my novellas advanced to round three of the contest (!!) Which means there's one more novella still to go! We're down to the wire, but we are going to make it. 
          If you want a tag when the next chapter(s) of Don’t Want to be Queen are posted, let me know! Otherwise, just check back on May 1 when I guarantee it will be marked complete! 


"You are going to kill me, woman." 
          "Hopefully not. I have many plans for you, and I'm pretty sure you need to be alive..."
          The homestretch has arrived! The very last chapter of Christmas at the Cabin is here in all her warm, cozy glory. After a run-in with a mountain slope, of course. 
          I hope you love it! 

          This is the first of my ONC novellas I'm able to mark COMPLETE! Tomorrow I will finish "Love, Lies & Red Eyes" and the day after, you'll get the conclusion of "Runaway Fiancés". Now, I must return to writing "Don't Want to be Queen" so I can meet the deadline!!! 