
Hello? I was wondering when u will be updating ur story? It’s just cause, I’m writing a scisaac story also, and I have been reading other stories for some ideas. I can’t seem to find any finished scisaac books though, and I really enjoy this one, I always find myself coming back to this book to see if it has been updated. I was only wondering so if u are not going to update it then that is completely fine, I was just checking cause I really like this book and it has given great ideas for my own. 
          Thank u so much!
          Catch ya later, howler! 
          mycreepypastabuddies- (or Luna) 


@mycreepypastabuddies  Wow thank you very much for your wishes! 
            Now I actually can't wait to read your book  Don't worry you'll be able to publish it, everything happens in the right time! I won't say no to a new friendship  and sure we can help each other any time! I wish you all the best too, good luck with your book 


@blue_fire_yohohoho thank u for replying, I was beginning to think u wouldn’t, haha! 
            I am truly only speaking the truth, ur story has really inspired me during my thought blocks (as I call them) of all my scisaac stories that I have yet to finish. most are on paper but I’m planning on putting them up here till I’m ready to publish my books. I wish u get good grades in ur exams! I’m sure u will do great! I hope u are blessed with luck and happiness for the rest of ur life! (Though I know we all have our days.) I do wish for us to become friends and maybe even help each other with our stories! I am looking forward to ur next update and I can’t wait to hear back from u! 
            Good luck with ur exams!
            Catch ya later, howler!
            mycreepypastabuddies- (or Luna)


@mycreepypastabuddies Thank you for your kind words! Right now I have my exams end that's why I haven't been updating, cause I was studying all along. I have been writing here and there when I had time though and I will be posting at the end of this month when my exams are over!! ☺️