
Hello Wattpad readers.  I'm thinking of posting a book here on Wattpad, chapter by chapter. So would you be interested in reading a slow story about a serial killer? The book's called MOTHERS DON'T DIE. Or, would you be more interested in a variety of short stories?? Usually I write some sort of historical fiction . . . but I'd like to experiment with something different. Your vote?   Hi from Beth


Hello Wattpad readers.  I'm thinking of posting a book here on Wattpad, chapter by chapter. So would you be interested in reading a slow story about a serial killer? The book's called MOTHERS DON'T DIE. Or, would you be more interested in a variety of short stories?? Usually I write some sort of historical fiction . . . but I'd like to experiment with something different. Your vote?   Hi from Beth


Hi. I'm new to wattpad. Write historical fiction (mid 18th Century Scotland, Pacific Northwest in the US, and Tasmania). Write poetry. Blog. A writer suggested this would be fun. Yes, I read. A lot. Curious about how all this works.