
OMG! So Letters to Me has been ranked in Non-Fiction!! Wow this is so cool! I don't think any of my stories has ever been ranked on Wattpad before so this is HUGE! Thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting it really means a lot! Lets see if we could get it ranked higher, yeah? :)


OMG! So Letters to Me has been ranked in Non-Fiction!! Wow this is so cool! I don't think any of my stories has ever been ranked on Wattpad before so this is HUGE! Thanks to all of you who have been reading and commenting it really means a lot! Lets see if we could get it ranked higher, yeah? :)


BIG NEWS!! So guys I am soo excited to announce that I am participating in this years Wattpad Scholarship!! :) If you guys didn't know, I will be entering first year University this fall and being a recipient of this amazing prize for writing would mean the world for me! This being said I would absolutely love it if you all could take the time to check out my story for the contest! I just posted it now! Its titled Letters to Me and is basically a series of letters I would write to my younger self going into high school. This is a TRUE story and touches upon some very personal topics, so if you want to learn more about my own personal journey I suggest you check it out! Thanks loves xx


Working on something BIG! Which is also another reason why I haven't updated Memory in a bit. I am still working on it, though a bit slower than I would like so please bear with me. A new update should be up by the weekend! Anyways, details on what I have in store are coming soon so stay tuned peeps! ;) x


Currently working on Memory! Sorry for the delay, but there will definitely be a chapter up by this weekend! I'm trying to make it longer for you guys tho to make up for my lack of updating last week :( Stay tuned! xxx


currently working on the next few chapters of Memory!! weekend update might be a bit delay cuz I'm suuuper swamped with work rn, but i'll try to get it up, hopefully by sometime tmrw or the day after!! In the meantime, keep reading, voting, commenting and doing what all you memorials do best ;) x