
i think- im quite possibly ready to come back to writing... im not sure yet...


@immaSpinosaurus-_- im so glad i got to inspire at least one person on here! my plan is to also expand to my own original stories, but ill keep fanfics under my belt as a backup :))


hi! I just got done reading all of your beast boy books, and I enjoyed it SO much. Even if it’s like 5-6 years later. If/whenever you’re ready to come back to writing, I’d love to see more. You’re writing is AMAZING in my opinion, and I honestly think as a person that loves beast boy he was written amazing, robin was written amazing, the enemies were written as well, and the fact that throughout like the three hours I was reading it I felt SOO much emotions from happiness to sadness to anger. It also showed the tension between everyone and even showed something that a regular person would go through with depression over a loved one or getting so jealous, or giving in due to being intoxicated. It’d be pretty selfish to ask for more of the beast boy books because there isn’t much to go off of seeing that there’s no one to recommend anything or it’s possibly too late to start another one again. But I really loved it, it was so so addicting and it caught my attention REALLY well. Thank you so much for creating it!!♡︎


i think- im quite possibly ready to come back to writing... im not sure yet...


@immaSpinosaurus-_- im so glad i got to inspire at least one person on here! my plan is to also expand to my own original stories, but ill keep fanfics under my belt as a backup :))




@bracexforximpact hey! I loveeee your story about the beastboy x reader. I've read part one. I'm actually very new with the writing stuff and I feel like I'm not very good at it. I also write about the titans! Do you maybe have some writing tips? :)


Please be careful my beloved followers and friends. 
          TW: Suicide
          There is a viral video going around with a man committing suicide on a live. Seeing as how this is also suicide prevention month, it makes the situation a whole lot worse. Not only that, people are beginning to joke about the man’s death. 
          DO NOT GET CURIOUS. 
          This video has traumatized many of my friends and I don’t want to see anyone else scarred from this. If you are having suicidal thoughts, do not get curious and look for the video. 
          If you feel like youre not gonna get scarred by the video, do not look for the video. 
          Even if you feel the slightest bit of curiosity twinge in you, DO NOT LOOK FOR THE VIDEO. My heart goes out to those who have witnessed it and are suffering right now. 
          If any of you need someone to talk to, I am here. You are valid. And you are worth it. 
          If youre scrolling through tik tok and happen to see a man sitting at his desk, QUICKLY CLICK AWAY. Please, do not scare yourself with this video. Its doing nothing but harming you. I don’t want this image etched in any of your minds. 
          Please, Im begging you, if you dont feel okay and you need someone, come and talk to me.. im here for you, i promise. 
          I love you all dearly. Please stay safe. ♥️


@Brace_For_Impact thank you. Make sure your taking care of yourself too ❤


@The_BatCats please take care of your sister and make sure shes okay both mentally and emotionally.. you as well. take care of yourself and look out <3


@Brace_For_Impact my sister saw it with out any warning. So she made a  tictok video giving awareness of the video. She had nothing tide to the video so no one could find it. She wanted to put awareness of the video. She told me to make sure when I'm on something to be aware of it might be popping up  


I don’t think ive ever cried harder for a movie. 
          A Silent Voice has broken me.


@Brace_For_Impact I brought all the hugs I could carry!!


@Brace_For_Impact same for me when i watched it


As of now, I will no longer be working on my Robin x Reader AU, Spotlight. 
          I apologize :( 


            I can totally understand where you’re coming from, just know I’ll always be here to support you! Whether you never continue it or continue it 5 years from now, you can still count on me! You’ve given me the motivation to and inspiration to keep writing so thank you ❤️