
━━ ✿ ˖°.⋆✧ i kinda miss my braces only cuz my orthodontist was really hot lol :)


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━━ ✿ ˖°.⋆✧ i don’t mind when people comment how pretty i am but it gets weird when it’s old men who are always tryna make some odd gesture like last week some creepy ass man whacked me in the head with a loaf of bread while i was stocking it all at work and yesterday he touched my back and said smth (almost lost my shit on him) i just smile and don’t say nothing…thats the thing i hate about working around people is the comments


ew wtf old men are actually so weird. whilst waiting for the bus during the winter i had some literal coffin dodger yell from his van “nice tits” like thanks ? but i was also wearing a big ass north face puffer soooooo 


@brineyslvt i litch just got the heeby jeebies from that ngl.


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━━ ✿ ˖°.⋆✧ is it bad that i’m almost always cold?? like im freezing, buried underneath blankets, and i went outside to warm up (it’s like fucking 100 degrees in Texas) and i was sitting out there trying to warm up bc i was so cold and luckily it somewhat cooled down just enough so I could gain enough warmth but id rather sleep outside where’s it’s hot out then inside in the AC?? ya’ll i think im dying ✋


( @brineyslvt )
            i wish i lived in texas. also, are you sick? could also be that lol. hope you feel better if you are, ml!


@brineyslvt               ᝰ.ᐟ – that's probably anemia


@brineyslvt that’s called anemia 