
I’m on AO3! My user is baudouinette. 
          	Turns out I did already have an account there. A very very old one that I completely forgot I’d made but I made a new one anyway lol
          	Not sure yet how active I’ll be there but let’s try it out 


I’m on AO3! My user is baudouinette. 
          Turns out I did already have an account there. A very very old one that I completely forgot I’d made but I made a new one anyway lol
          Not sure yet how active I’ll be there but let’s try it out 


Baldwin IV story is actually taking shape :3
          Might try out AO3 in the process


@brooklinebaby That’s understandable, and of course! You’re a great writer <3


@iloveb3ans I most likely will at some point, but not rn as I’m still not in a good place with it. Thank you v much for liking it <3


Could I ask if you’ll be finishing queen on her own color? I love the story very much and your writing in it is phenomenal


Are any of you on AO3 as writers? Is it worth it? How is visibility there? I’m asking bc I’m kinda sick of Wattpad and its algorithm 


@ItsAFjones as a reader it can sometimes get really weird real soon, like I’ll read the tags of some stories and be like, how is this allowed??? lol it’s definitely not as safe as here, but it seems to work fine in other aspects. I think I might go ahead 


 Visibility is hit or miss but I love the comments! Definitely a very kind community 


I would love to write a story of King Baldwin IV but even though I’ve loved Templar and crusader history for a long time I don’t know near enough about the era to write a decent and accurate one. I could, but I would get frustrated easily each time I had to search whether or not certain thing had been invented yet, or what specific customs were typical of a specific place or culture and the languages and dates and names and social norms and clothes and medicine it’s just too much ;(


Me: I only like older men (40+ years)
          Also me when thinking of a medieval leper king who didn’t even live to see 25 (my current age):
          blushing ☺️ giggling  kicking my feet up in the air ‍♀️‼️singing Gregorian chants ️  crusading in the name of God


Also, why are they removing PMs? Wattpad has like the worst dev team ever


@R-h-e-a- haha I mean yeah there’s a fair amount of spam, and some ppl get bullied (myself included) but it’s kinda useful to be able to message privately


@brooklinebaby *shrug* probably some of the  authors are getting spammed or just simply a bad idea.
            Don't ask me why I'm answering all of your rhetorical questions


So that Kennedy story got deleted by Wattpad :/ Now I don’t even have the drafts left. Thanks a lot Wattpad, you’re just driving me further away from you ;)


@R-h-e-a- maybe they did me a favor, I have too many story projects lmao


@ChristelleBerthier oui, mais je préfère ne pas faire appel, car je pense connaître la raison pour laquelle ils l'ont supprimé. Ils n'accepteraient pas. 


@brooklinebaby désolée d'apprendre ça. As tu la possibilité de demander à wattpad pourquoi ton histoire a été supprimée ? Une histoire supprimée de cette façon, c'est désolant tant pour l'auteur que pour les lecteurs. Ça mérite une explication


Don’t come here if you’re just going to leave snarky little comments and act like a writer is a faceless machine


@brooklinebaby i’m so so sorry, as an autistic person i can relate to you completely. i hope god blesses you tonight, may they all pay for what they have done


@jfkayla I’m just tired of receiving more negative, condescending, and critical (not constructive criticism) comments than positive and uplifting. And on top of that, being chastised by some rando who doesn’t know me. I have autism, so I may come off as dry sometimes in the way I speak, but it doesn’t give anyone the right to treat me like I’m a robot and insult me for it. I’m actually extremely sensitive, and what did it for me was this person commenting “ew” on a perfectly normal scene. It makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong, or that the things I write are outlandishly bizarre and shameful. I even tried communicating with the person and explaining, but they ignored me. This is why I rarely hop on Wattpad anymore and am scared of talking to people. /Sorry for the rant.


Any of y’all play games like Fortnite, Apex, or Destiny??


@brooklinebaby or profile or whatever is that named...


@brooklinebaby Sure, thank you very much, I'll dm you when I make an account. 


@R-h-e-a- my username is atomnolly on most platforms, idk which you play on but those games I mentioned are cross platform so whenever you want you can just search up my name in any of them and I should pop up :) 