
Read #ThePhantomMan duology by #ChaieneSantos. 
          	A man entered into a gloomy cave. He was followed by two other explorers. He passed by spots of dry blood, dark inscriptions, and images of long forgotten gods. He saw an altar sculpted into the rock. 
          	“How weird, John! I’ve been a speleologist for many years, but I have never seen something like that before.” 
          	“More light here,” the other man said. Although they all had special equipments on, their souls were overtaken by fear. 
          	There, on the very spot where darkness was replaced by light, there was a black book with a cover that seemed to be made of human skin. The Book of the Dead. As soon as they found the object, the neck of the man with the light was broken. His head was spun half way backwards, terrifying the other men. Doctor John tried to escape, but the unknown being that had emerged from the darkness of the cave’s bottom made a slight move of hand and the man’s body was folded in half, and then lifted up to levitate. The last man, scared like a rabbit, ran faster than he had ever run in his whole life. 
          	A loud laugh echoed…
          	“Let that human run. Let him spread the news that the end is near.”
          	 #scifi #fantasy #reading #ott #streaming #studios #book #adventure #horror #terror  #Wattpad #Amazonkindle #YA #publisher #editora 


Read #ThePhantomMan duology by #ChaieneSantos. 
          A man entered into a gloomy cave. He was followed by two other explorers. He passed by spots of dry blood, dark inscriptions, and images of long forgotten gods. He saw an altar sculpted into the rock. 
          “How weird, John! I’ve been a speleologist for many years, but I have never seen something like that before.” 
          “More light here,” the other man said. Although they all had special equipments on, their souls were overtaken by fear. 
          There, on the very spot where darkness was replaced by light, there was a black book with a cover that seemed to be made of human skin. The Book of the Dead. As soon as they found the object, the neck of the man with the light was broken. His head was spun half way backwards, terrifying the other men. Doctor John tried to escape, but the unknown being that had emerged from the darkness of the cave’s bottom made a slight move of hand and the man’s body was folded in half, and then lifted up to levitate. The last man, scared like a rabbit, ran faster than he had ever run in his whole life. 
          A loud laugh echoed…
          “Let that human run. Let him spread the news that the end is near.”
           #scifi #fantasy #reading #ott #streaming #studios #book #adventure #horror #terror  #Wattpad #Amazonkindle #YA #publisher #editora 


Um garoto da Terra salva um planeta alienígena e toda a humanidade. Conheça as aventuras e o amor de Nícolas e Zara.
          A Trilogia Os Filhos do Tempo é a mais lida em ficção científica no Wattpad na língua portuguesa com mais de  2,2 milhões de leituras em 3 idiomas. 
          Copyright © Todos os direitos reservados
          Quais mistérios se ocultam além das estrelas?
          Enquanto a maioria dos jovens preocupa-se com a faculdade, amizades e até mesmo namoradas, Nícolas passa suas horas com a cabeça fora de órbita. Literalmente. Fazendo o curso de Astronomia, ele fica mais à vontade entre corpos gasosos, supernovas e buracos negros, sonhando em um dia desvendar os grandes enigmas do Universo. Até que uma misteriosa garota entra na sala de aula...
          E Nícolas descobre, emocionado, que encontrou a sua própria estrela.
          Zara é o seu nome, aquela que os cabelos parecem raios de Sol, a única capaz de arrancar o ar - e a voz - do jovem protagonista desta história. E, contra todas as probabilidades, algo surge entre os dois. Mas não pense que este é um romance adolescente como tantos que já leu. Porque Zara, ao contrário do que Nícolas pensa, não é o que parece. Vinda de uma galáxia desconhecida, ela tem uma missão: atrair Nícolas e levá-lo para o seu planeta. Vivo. Não importam os custos.
          Do sucesso de sua missão não depende apenas o seu futuro, mas de tudo aquilo em que ela acredita... Inclusive o futuro da humanidade.
          Quando a verdade aparece, Nícolas se envolve em uma teia de mentiras e intrigas que vão além de tudo que sonhou. Entre poderes telecinéticos, fendas temporais e dados científicos, o tempo se desdobra, revelando que os alienígenas que conhecemos estão mais perto - e são mais parecidos conosco - do que imaginamos.

           #ott #streaming #book #livro #amreading #booknerd #studios #executiveproducer  #instabooks #scifi  #Reading  #Sciencefiction #Wattpad #Amazon


Read #HeirsofPlanetLife by #ChaieneSantos on #Amazon and #Wattpad.
          GOVERNING IDEA: We will become them and then, they will become us.
          Trilogy story inspired by the verse of the holy bible (REVELATION 22:13): "I am the Alpha and the Omega. There is no one before me, neither shall there be after..."
          Book 1 - Heirs of Planet Life
          Book 2 - The Origin of Life
          Book 3 - The Battle of Gods
          LOGLINE: An insecure young man, in love with a mysterious classmate, who reveals herself to be an alien willing to do anything to save her universe, finds himself involved in a risky journey where he is the only one capable of saving an alien princess from a mortal enemy.
          What mysteries are hidden beyond the stars?
          While most of the youngsters are concerned with faculty, friendships and even girlfriends, Nicholas spends his hours with his head out of orbit; literally. Making the course of Astronomy, he feels better among gaseous bodies, supernova stars and black holes, dreaming in one day to unravel the great enigmas of the Universe. Until a mysterious girl enters the classroom ...
          And Nicholas discovers, excited, that he finds his own star.
          Zara is her name, the one whose hair looks like rays of sun, the only one capable of wringing the air - and the voice - of the young protagonist of this story. And, against all possibilities, something arises between then. But do not think that this is a teenage romance like so many that you have read, because Zara, contrary to what Nícolas thinks, is not what it seems. Coming from an unknown galaxy, she has a mission: To attract Nicholas and take him to her planet, alive.
          At any cost.
          Image by Bing AI


Read The Phantom Man Duology by #ChaieneSantos on #Amazon  e #Wattpad.
          According to the prophecy, Phillip is an impetuous young wizard who is born to save the world from destruction. He is saved from death by the wizard Juan who cares for him. Warlock Klaus who helps the inquisitors to pursue the witches, wants to master the world of the living and the dead and pursues Phillip through the ages since the medieval age.
          When opposing forces have a final clash, the outcome may be fatal... Now that Klaus have found the object of his desire, will the evil warlock triumph... or wilL he be defeated by his own ambition? Find out on the second and last part of The Phantom Man how the magic of love can be stronger than pure evil.
          Chaiene Santos is the author of the sci-fi trilogy "Heirs of Planet Life" his debut work in the fiction genre. Now, Chaiene surprises the readers again by inviting them to join him on an enchanted journey full of mysteries, danger, and lots of adventures.
          The Phantom Man is a great story that grabs the readers' attention from cover to cover, making each page a rediscovery of magic and fantasy.

          Image by Bing Ai
           #Wattpad #fantasy #film #Amblin #editora #executiveproducer #booktokusa #booktokes  #booktokesp #booktokespanol #book #booktokbrasil  #Amazon 


Comece junho com uma nova leitura. Aventure-se na história de ficção científica da trilogia Os Filhos do Tempo. Do autor Chaiene Santos, os livros acumularam mais de dois  milhões de leituras no Wattpad.
          Leia a sinopse:
          Quais mistérios se ocultam além das estrelas?
          Enquanto a maioria dos jovens preocupa-se com a faculdade, amizades e até mesmo namoradas, Nícolas passa suas horas com a cabeça fora de órbita. Literalmente. Fazendo o curso de Astronomia, ele fica mais à vontade entre corpos gasosos, supernovas e buracos negros, sonhando em um dia desvendar os grandes enigmas do Universo. Até que uma misteriosa garota entra na sala de aula...
          E Nícolas descobre, emocionado, que encontrou a sua própria estrela.
          Zara é o seu nome, aquela que os cabelos parecem raios de Sol, a única capaz de arrancar o ar - e a voz - do jovem protagonista desta história. E, contra todas as probabilidades, algo surge entre os dois. Mas não pense que este é um romance adolescente como tantos que já leu. Porque Zara, ao contrário do que Nícolas pensa, não é o que parece. Vinda de uma galáxia desconhecida, ela tem uma missão: atrair Nícolas e levá-lo para o seu planeta. Vivo. Não importam os custos.
          Do sucesso de sua missão não depende apenas o seu futuro, mas de tudo aquilo em que ela acredita... Inclusive o futuro da humanidade.
          Quando a verdade aparece, Nícolas se envolve em uma teia de mentiras e intrigas que vão além de tudo que sonhou. Entre poderes telecinéticos, fendas temporais e dados científicos, o tempo se desdobra, revelando que os alienígenas que conhecemos estão mais perto - e são mais parecidos conosco - do que imaginamos.
          Disponível no Wattpad:
          Adquira na Amazon:
           #OsFilhosDoTempo #independentwriter #executiveproducer #HBO #ott #streaming #animation  #ChaieneSantos #Aventura #editora #publisher #book   #Cienciaficción #Sciencefiction #Wattpad #Amazon


          Mundo globalizado,
          Informação a todo momento,
          Será preciso ficar ligado
          Em cada movimento?
          Notícias de tristezas
          Chegam a cada instante...
          Esquecemos das belezas,
          Que existem adiante
          Que tal voltar no tempo como os antigos?
          Um passeio na praça,
          Um papo com os amigos,
          Tem muito mais graça.
          Ou quem sabe a rede social
          Febre do momento.
          Ou se inspirar no livro amigo
          Que estimula o pensamento.


@ chaienesantoswriter  Oi Senhor gostaria de convidar oi a si pra ler alguns dos meus livros e se o senhor gostar diz a mesma coisa ao seus seguidoresa


Read Heirs of Planet Life Trilogy.
          GOVERNING IDEA: We will become them and then, they will become us.
          Trilogy story inspired by the verse of the holy bible (REVELATION 22:13): "I am the Alpha and the Omega. There is no one before me, neither shall there be after..."
          Book 1 - Heirs of Planet Life
          Book 2 - The Origin of Life
          Book 3 - The Battle of Gods
          LOGLINE: An insecure young man, in love with a mysterious classmate, who reveals herself to be an alien willing to do anything to save her universe, finds himself involved in a risky journey where he is the only one capable of saving an alien princess from a mortal enemy.
          What mysteries are hidden beyond the stars?
          While most of the youngsters are concerned with faculty, friendships and even girlfriends, Nicholas spends his hours with his head out of orbit; literally. Making the course of Astronomy, he feels better among gaseous bodies, supernova stars and black holes, dreaming in one day to unravel the great enigmas of the Universe. Until a mysterious girl enters the classroom ...
          And Nicholas discovers, excited, that he finds his own star.
          Zara is her name, the one whose hair looks like rays of sun, the only one capable of wringing the air - and the voice - of the young protagonist of this story. And, against all possibilities, something arises between then. But do not think that this is a teenage romance like so many that you have read, because Zara, contrary to what Nícolas thinks, is not what it seems. Coming from an unknown galaxy, she has a mission: To attract Nicholas and take him to her planet, alive.
          At any cost.
          The success of her mission depends not only on her future, but on everything she believes in ... including the future of humanity. When the truth appears, Nicholas is wrapped in a web of lies and intrigue that goes beyond everything he dreamed of. Between telekinetic powers, time gaps, and scientific data, space folds, revealing that the aliens we know are closer - and more like us - than we imagine.