
Our hero exclaims Goddamnit
          	Meanwhile in the Tower of Babel, a room full of dancing Gods suddenly sneeze all at once, while a red-haired alcoholic crossdressing God dances half naked on a table.  Blissfully unaware of the slight on "her" behalf.
          	Loki: Nooow... oh... hic eheehee.. errrbody do the... the mon-KAY! 
          	The "Goddess" leaned to the side, moving "her" arms up and down in opposite tempo, whilst slowly shaking her butt.  The scene ends with Loki falling face first off the table, and smacking "her" head on a chair that was conveniently placed.


I’m still waiting for some more strong arm hunter it’s such a good story 


It’s fine feel free to bounce ideas off of me


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Not to mention I work a lot, and it takes a shit ton of effort for a single chapter, I have to remember characterizations, figure out what I what to achieve with that chapter, how it fits into the grander theme and plot, I have to edit and shit... its a lot of work


@jackofalltrades331 I'm more or less racking my brain on that one, my ADD and ADHD make it very difficult for me to pick a story and stick with it, so updates will be more or less chaotic and random