
I'd just like to say thank you to all my new and old followers and readers. Thanks for voting on my stories, sticking with me through the years, leaving such lovely comments, and being the best readers. I hope you have the greatest adventures.


Wanted to let you know that way back when, when you did demon diaries (probs 2013 cause it was 6th grade for me), I thought it was a legit series (like dork diaries or diary of a wimpy kid ya know?) and went to my local library to see if they could get it. Only to learn that Wattpad was not an app with published books  


@neonshadows76 Hi, I'm glad you enjoyed Demonic Dora. It is a published book that was published in 2012 by Ragz Books. I wrote Demonic Dora on Wattpad, and then published it later that year for Book 1. Now there are 5 books in the series, 4 of which are listed here: 
            The 5th short book is here:
            They're available in paperback and ebook. There will be a special edition hardback coming out soon and some audiobooks. I'm also working on a 6th book in the series.
            But you won't see the books in a library because libraries only buy books from trad publishers, and I'm with an indie publisher. 
            Libraries have limited budgets, so they won't spend them on unknown authors like me. i suspect my books are a bit niche for general libraries too.
             However, the books are all recorded in The British Libraries and the Library of Congress under copyright law, so you might be able to read them in those library archives if you request them.
            If not, they're pretty cheap on Amazon, and one of them is free there right now.
            I hope that helps :).


I'd just like to say thank you to all my new and old followers and readers. Thanks for voting on my stories, sticking with me through the years, leaving such lovely comments, and being the best readers. I hope you have the greatest adventures.


SCAM ALERT: Two companies are currently running mass recruitment scams via Wattpad, even though it's explicitly against Wattpad's T&C's to use the platform this way. ** Read their contracts carefully before you consider signing with them. **
          I can't mention these companies names since they get blocked by Wattpad's spam filter.  But I can mention their usernames which they have emailed me on so far. 
          The users below have all sent me messages of absolute BS to try to scam me:

          Please be aware that many prospective writers for these companies are complaining about poor management and a terrible contract. Their contracts require you to sign away the intellectual property rights of your story MEANING YOU NO LONGER OWN IT. This is not how publishing contracts work. You should NEVER lose the rights to your work (well, at least not until 70+ years after your death). 
          There have even been reports of one company assigning a different author to finish a story if they're unhappy with the original author's progress.
          PASS THIS ON and always be careful whenever you're approached by a publishing company that initiates contact, especially on Wattpad where the T&C's explicitly say such behaviour is * not allowed. 
          Publishers and agents rarely contact authors. You are supposed to contact them. Only once have I  ever been approached by a genuine agent. But scam artists contact me all the time. The publishing business has more scams in it than used car sales does, so if it sounds too good to be true, it most definitely is.
          Be careful folks, and take care of each other!


this message may be offensive
@knikki2 I bet you write great stories. When you do put them out into the universe expect an avalanche of ass-kissing spam-bots telling you that you're gods gift to writing, and you can change your world into one where you can walk on rose petals in a palace made of gold if only you sign this little contract that you don't need to read.
            And then wipe your arse on said contract and flush it away with all the other spammy shit *nods*. 
            On a side note, authors were the only people who didn't run out of TP during the pandemic. They had so many scammy contracts to use instead :D.


@BlackKnight77  Hi,
            I can kinda mention their names by linking my research through shortened links, which names them without posting the name on Wattpad. Well, I'll try to anyway.
            Here is my research, which was enough to tell me to avoid these publishers like the plague.
            Reddit Post:
            Facebook Post:
            Writer's Beware:
            Yeah, I've had my share of people trying to scam me as an author too. That's why I'm super wary of any publisher contacting me. But I also had Little & Brown email me out of the blue back in the early days too, so agents can reach out to you, or they used to.
            I absolutely hate scammers though, and I can see authors getting ripped off by these people. This one looks as if it's an epidemic of scammy publishing that's spamming Wattpad right now. 
            With any publisher I haven't heard of, I tend to check them out on Writer's Beware and Google them before replying. That's how I got this info about them, and normally, I'll leave it at that.
            But because I've had so many messages from these scammers now, I was inspired to share the Reddit post about it, and I encourage you to share it with your readers too. 
            Apparently telling these scammers you'll cut their dick off if they email you again isn't enough of a no to make them stop, so I suspect it's bot spam, which is probably why Wattpad can't protect authors from it. It looks as if Wattpad is getting overloaded with these scam-bots atm, so making authors aware of it seems the best solution.
            Anyway, I hope we save a few souls with this. :)


@rolling-stonez Hi, and thank you for the great comment. I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. I've written about twenty novels & novellas so far, and three of them are free on here, so I hope you enjoy them all. Although they are a bit different because I like too many genres.
          I like the idea that Hustle is a hidden gem. It's kinda lit :D. I don't know if my books will get any recognition in my lifetime, but some corporation will probably profit greatly off them once I'm long gone (publishing reality). Hence why I'm leaving all my books to a charity that saves bees and kittens (I envision comedy ensuing from that scenario in an Eddie Izzard kinda way--cats drilling while covered in bees).
          The completed Hustle series has 4 books in it, so Hustle is book 1, Hacker is book 2, Hijack is book 3 and Heist is the prequel. I really enjoyed writing the series, so I probably will write another series like it in the future.
          I hope you enjoy all the stories, and happy reading :)


Hello! Miss claire i just finished reading your book and i would like to ask where can i find the next one? Im excited to read it☺


@nevernotL0ve You're welcome :). Have fun reading.


Thank you miss claire 


@nevernotL0ve  Hi, you can read it on Amazon Kindle or Google Play. You can also get it on iTunes, Kobo and Smashwords, and all the places they sell it at.
            All those links are on this page. Just click the 'Buy the Ebook' button for quick-links:
            You can also read all the books in the series (there are 4 so far) and every other book I've written for a low monthly price  (2.99) if you sign up for Monthly Reads.  And you can cancel the subs after a month, so you can read them all for 2.99 if you're a quick reader ^^. You can find out about that here: You can also test Reads out for free to see if you like it with Free Reads. 
            I was going to put the next book on here as a paid story, but I got a 'nope' last time I asked if I could, so last time I checked, it looked like I'd never be able to sell stories on Wattpad.


Hi,I just finished your novel HUSTLE and i wanted to ask where i can get the prequel or the sequel if there is one 
          I am madly in love with this novel and I hope to read more from you


@Carlosmaina33  Hi, Thanks for reading my stories, and I'm glad you enjoyed Hustle :).
            You can read the prequel  (it's called HEIST) for free on my website (along with some other stories that aren't free anywhere else). You just need to register for Free Reads. Here's the link:
            If you prefer to download it, then it's also 99p in most ebook stores  (Amazon, Google, Kobo, iTunes etc.). To find it, just search for 'Heist Claire Chilton', and it should appear.
            There are two sequels to HUSTLE so far:
            HACKER, which I class as book 2, but it predominantly follows Jimmy in a new story with cameos from Ellie and Jacob.  Most people find it to be the funniest book in the series, so it's fan favourite.
            It's on sale in most ebook stores  for a couple of bucks, depending on what offers the store has on atm (Amazon, Google, Kobo, iTunes etc.). To find it, just search for 'Hacker Claire Chilton', and it should appear.
            And the third book is HIJACK, which is the continuation of the Ellie and Jacob story in a new adventure with Jimmy and the gang also along for the ride. 
            This is also on sale in most ebook stores  for a couple of bucks, depending on what offers the store has on atm (Amazon, Google, Kobo, iTunes etc.). To find it, just search for 'Hijack Claire Chilton', and it should appear.
            A future book in the series is HITMAN, but that one's on hold until I can figure out what direction I'm going with the series.
            I hope this helps :).


You’re hysterical. Just thought you should know that. Few books make me laugh out loud, not that I have much time to read nowadays. Keep doing you. <3


@Wendizzy It is good to try out both worlds, and on one book, it's not too much work, but there is always that pesky learning curve to overcome to get started with self-pubbing.
            If you do self-pub, make sure that you read all the advice about it before you do it though because the first couple of weeks of your launch will decide if you sell lots of books or not. (Advice I'd wish I'd had back when I started).
            The short version of launching a book is find your niche, make your book fit in that niche/appeal to the right readers, and throw as much marketing at it as you can on launch month.
            But that means you need to do some niche research, get a nichy cover, prep your e-book files, write your meta data, setup your AMS/FB/Bookbub ads, send out some ARCs for reviews, and have a mild nervous breakdown on launch day. Every white hair I have appeared on a launch day.
            The Alliance of Independent Authors is a good place to start finding out about indie publishing, and there are tons of awesome indie authors who give out free advice about it all.


I plan to self publish my next, so I’m sure I’ll need to figure out how to do all that soon enough. :/


@Wendizzy I didn't find that trad publishing did any marketing for me, but then if it doesn't have an advance, it won't have a marketing budget either. Lesson learned.... :)


Hey Clairechilton! Just wanna say that your stories are cool and has a wide range of awesome imagination. I especially like your story entitled "HUSTLE" and now I am currently reading your other books. And Wow they are awesome too. Anyway, just want to Inspire you to keep writing more awesome stories. I hope this message motivates you even for a bit. 


@EllezyarEam  As long as you guys keep enjoying them, I'll keep writing them :).
            Thanks to Wattpad being awesome help as always, I can add a (relatively) new chapter right now, so hopefully I can help keep the boredom at bay :D.


            Haha I'm flattered  
            Anyway, you deserve my compliment because of your amazing stories. I am more glad that you are motivated. We readers, are more grateful for we have the opportunity to read novels like yours. If it weren't for this, i might end up dying of boredom hehe  
            Sincerely yours, 


@EllezyarEam  Hey :). Thanks so much! I'm really glad you're enjoying the stories. I plan to start posting more stories here once a week soon (I'm just trying to figure out the best way to do it because everything is different here now, so 'soon' is relative to how fast I learn lol).
            The best thing about Wattpad is the awesome readers like you, so yes, you guys always motivate me.
            Happy reading! :)