
Hey guys!
          	It's been a while again. I know I keep dropping off here, but honestly, the past week has not been good mental health wise. I've sort of falling out of love with writing my own original stories and ideas are just not flowing. So who knows when I'll actually post something...
          	Second, My ex- boyfriend texted me after nearly 5 years asking to 'hang out' and I've been driving myself crazy trying to decide what to do with my life and whether to let him back in or not. 
          	Anyways, I just wanted to update you all since I haven't been overly active. 
          	Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


@craftychicken hey, don't worry! You shouldn't force yourself to write... in time, the motivation and ideas will flow naturally ❤️


@Contino05 Thanks for the warning, but don't worry I'm ok with violence in books  I've read some pretty gory stuff :)


@Contino05 I will take a look when I get a chance :) I hope the story goes well for you


Hey guys!
          It's been a while again. I know I keep dropping off here, but honestly, the past week has not been good mental health wise. I've sort of falling out of love with writing my own original stories and ideas are just not flowing. So who knows when I'll actually post something...
          Second, My ex- boyfriend texted me after nearly 5 years asking to 'hang out' and I've been driving myself crazy trying to decide what to do with my life and whether to let him back in or not. 
          Anyways, I just wanted to update you all since I haven't been overly active. 
          Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


@craftychicken hey, don't worry! You shouldn't force yourself to write... in time, the motivation and ideas will flow naturally ❤️


@Contino05 Thanks for the warning, but don't worry I'm ok with violence in books  I've read some pretty gory stuff :)


@Contino05 I will take a look when I get a chance :) I hope the story goes well for you


Hi guys!
          Yep, the excitement is back. Because....Loving you is a losing game was longlisted for ONC! I seriously can't believe that the book my co-workers were literally laughing at a week ago has made it this far. I genuinely expected to maybe get to round 2, so to make it this far is a dream come true. I can't thank the ONC judges enough. I'm sure someone there must just like the song the title comes from or something. There's no way that book actually compares to the other 150 writers is there?
          This has done wonders for my confidence so watch out. The chicken will be back soon.
          As always thank you all for your support and happy reading x


@craftychicken CONGRATS!!! You totally deserved it! Your colleagues probably have no idea what effort you put into writing your book, but hey, you've proved them wrong now! Hooray!


Congrats xx you deserve it. Don’t listen to your shitty co-workers. Good job chicken 


Hey guys,
          So, as you may have all noticed, I sort of went on a hiatus. Well, I'm back. Sort of.
          Basically this morning at work, I was really excited to talk about an idea I had for rewriting Loving you is a losing game, and I thought I'd read out a small passage. Only for my work colleagues to laugh at me and say my writing is cheesy, even going to the point of saying it's no wonder I'm not a published author yet. 
          As you can imagine, this really hurt. I can deal with hate comments online since I don't know these people and they don't know me, but to hear this from people I thought of as friends really hurts. I genuinely feel like giving up writing altogether. 
          Anyway, sorry to offload this onto you guys. I hope you're all doing well. Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


Never care about what people who don’t write say about your writing, Chicken! You’ve seen how many people here on Wattpad like your stories haven’t you? :) I think you should trust us more. And trust yourself too <<3


@craftychicken Those colleagues are not your friends if they won't support what you love doing.  Keep writing.  Your doing great!  If you keep working hard all of it will pay off, and the haters will be proven wrong.  Not everyone will like you're writing, and that's okay.  You have people who do support you.  Surround yourself with those who have a positive impact on your life.


@craftychicken Hah, your co-workers probably have no idea what blood, sweat and tears go into writing. Us writers know just how much effort goes into our works so don't let them stop you! If they don't believe you, then believe in yourself. If they think you can't get published, use that as motivation to write. Show them that you aren't gonna give up! 
            Also, this incident says more about their character than your story.


Hey guys!
          I'm still on break but since I'm at work tomorrow, I'm posting this now. Tomorrow is the end of Private Messages so from now on, anyone who wishes to contact me privately, please use the following email 

          After PMs are gone I will add this email to my bio so you guys can see it without having to search through my announcements. 
          Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


Hey guys!
          I wanted to do this now before I forget, but since private messages are going, you guys can now contact me through this email:

          Please note I don't check this email every day, but I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. I'm thinking of making an instagram so I can stay in contact with you guys and maybe even give you some behind the scenes content ;)
          Anyway, thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


Hey guys!
          Well, I've done it. The last few chapters of Loving you is a losing game are posted, it's marked as complete and I've entered it for round 3 of ONC. Thanks to everyone for supporting me through the journey and with this, I start my two week break. I'll still be on Wattpad a couple times a day, but I won't be that active.
          Check out the book here if you're interested:

          Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x


@craftychicken Congratulations my friend! Wishing you the best of luck in round 3 :)


            Congratulations on completing your ONC book \(@ ̄∇ ̄@)/


Hey guys!
          I've just posted two new chapters of Loving you is a losing game. I'll be uploading two more later so I can get this uploaded before I go back to work on Sunday. Hope you enjoy <3

          Thank you all as always for your support and happy reading x