
Nothing makes me angrier than seeing a book I loved reading so much turn into one of those pay to read stories. I still like Wattpad but the app just isn’t the same as it was. 


@crazycrazier True though, some authors believe Wattpad improved because their books are getting noticed enough to get paid on here.


Hey there,
          Im busy writing a Teen Wolf fanfic about Theo's younger sister. His actor is Cody Christian. I'm struggling to find someone to faceclaim and I was wondering if you'd be able to help? Someone that could pass for being about 15 or 16 years old with light hair and green eyes would fit. Thanks :)


Nothing makes me angrier than seeing a book I loved reading so much turn into one of those pay to read stories. I still like Wattpad but the app just isn’t the same as it was. 


@crazycrazier True though, some authors believe Wattpad improved because their books are getting noticed enough to get paid on here.