
please just watch this video and stay informed. always. don’t turn your back and do not let this be another gen0cide that got forgotten about


hiiii jen it's been awhile, how are yoou?


@crudelove totally understandable, miss you sharing posts! slr, life's kinda hectic but im doing alright too. wattpad has been 'eh' lately that mutuals r the only ones making this app worthwhile


I’m actually doing pretty alright, I’m just in a writing slump and started to use wattpad less and less until I eventually stopped using it altogether, although I do miss sharing my random thoughts with ppl :p


this message may be offensive
someone explain to me(because I’m apparently too dumb) how you can be a german politics and history teacher and be pro isnotreal? group hamas and the whole of Palestine together and tell me, as if I’m some dumb chick that’s only ever heard of Palestine one time, that there is no palestinian land, only the state of isnotreal, that putting a Palestinian flag and the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” in your school is illegal because it’s considered “hate speech”? how can you be the headmaster of the school as well and call yourself an upholder of democracy? this is actually so aggravating 


“school without racism” yeah bro I’m sure


how can you not see the parallels between n@zi germany killing Jewish ppl/romani ppl and isnotreal b0mbing gaza as if it’s a sport, them using white phosphorus which is ACTUALLY illegal nevermind if you’re in a “war” (ps: this is not a war, a war would require for Palestinians to actually have any power to fight against isnotreal but they’re kinda busy dying) how can you genuinely not see the dehumanization of Palestinians and how can you stand so ignorant on a topic that you YOURSELF have studied just with other players, gen0cide isn’t anything new, you just can’t give yourself the push to care because you’re so full of yourself 


apple is so ass bro


( @crudelove ) hahaha u’re good no worries & yeah it’s understandable ☠️


@kissesontongue the phone (probably should’ve clarified that)


( @crudelove ) the phone or the fruit ☠️☠️ can get behind the phone bc it’s JUST a phone it doesn’t have to be all that extra & expensive but i LOVE the fruit 