
laziness to the max. bila tah nak update illegirl ;-;


hi kak diha! just want to tell you, ur story semuanya best ❤️❤️❤️❤️ even though 2020 not the best years but im happy dpt tau acc kak diha tahun ni!
          mesti orng yg dh stan kak diha dlu ii always tk sbr nk dpt noti yg kak diha baru balik asrama, terus pub chp bru ಥ‿ಥ❤️ wish i stan you since zaman housemate ಥ_ಥ
          and sorry menyemak kt mb kak diha, take care


OMG thankyou so much for supporting me and my fanfic even semua macam budu2 je ✨ im so terharu ni serius eeeeee nak insert emoji mata berair tu tapi wakpet telan emoji,, thankyou tauuu imma sending a bunch of virtual hugs to you rn! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️