
Update: All of my newest updates will be made on Inkitt first. However I will put the books back up on Wattpad for now, I can’t guarantee that Wattpad won’t just I delete these too, but they will be on both sites from now on. This way, no matter what, you—my beautiful, supportive readers still read my latest and older works without Wattpad’s unpredictable disruptions. I will have to see how this fans out on here, but rest assured, I will be posting my newest and latest updates on Inkitt first! Hope this doesn’t throw anyone, I swear I am all over the place lately after losing one piece of work. 
          	Just recall, latest updates will be done on Inkitt! 
          	Thanks again for reading! 


@bllalisa Hi there, the url link is on my profile in the link bar, I can’t seem to simply paste it in this post. Let me know if the link in my profile on here doesn’t work and I’ll see if I can help you via dm


@darkblonde1 hey...can you tell me your inkitt ID?


Update: All of my newest updates will be made on Inkitt first. However I will put the books back up on Wattpad for now, I can’t guarantee that Wattpad won’t just I delete these too, but they will be on both sites from now on. This way, no matter what, you—my beautiful, supportive readers still read my latest and older works without Wattpad’s unpredictable disruptions. I will have to see how this fans out on here, but rest assured, I will be posting my newest and latest updates on Inkitt first! Hope this doesn’t throw anyone, I swear I am all over the place lately after losing one piece of work. 
          Just recall, latest updates will be done on Inkitt! 
          Thanks again for reading! 


@bllalisa Hi there, the url link is on my profile in the link bar, I can’t seem to simply paste it in this post. Let me know if the link in my profile on here doesn’t work and I’ll see if I can help you via dm


@darkblonde1 hey...can you tell me your inkitt ID?


Announcement! Hey everyone. Just letting you know that I am only posting a couple chapters of my main books, but clearly indicating to new and old readers that I have moved to Inkitt. The other, hopefully more reliable writing app that has my completed stories there. The app is free and so are my books. Thank you for your patience, time and support, everyone. I’m really lucky to have you all. Thank you and hope to see you on Inkitt! Cheers! 


@darkblonde1 Glad that i came to known Inkitt Last Year, And as a loyal Fan & Reader , I'm going to yimmy yimmy my way.


@SushiCatSeries No they just said Graviton was taken down due to violation of their policies and guidelines. Which is the weirdest thing ever because there was less explicitness, and language in that book compared to my other books.


@darkblonde1 Did they ever tell you what policy the book specifically violated?


URGENT! I am moving to Inkitt because Wattpad wants to use AI on romance novels! Hello my amazing readers, I’ve decided that due to the AI generated content guidelines that Wattpad HQ has decided to use, I will be using another platform and re-uploading my stories there. Please, if you love my work, and enjoy reading those stories where there won’t be anymore disruptions as Wattpad just caused, my profile name on Inkitt is still darkblonde1. I am uploading chapters on there now and just getting more acquainted with the Inkitt app compared to Wattpad who are more than likely to delete more of my work because romance is my bread and butter. 
          Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to see you all there! Stay tuned, I’ll release announcements here and answer questions, but I do not trust Wattpad not to delete more of my books if I re-upload them here. I’m really sorry if this is troubling for anyone, but it’s the only way I can make sure my books aren’t deleted or removed in the blink of an eye. Thank you again. Hope to see you on Inkitt soon!


@shaeisshy Thank you so much! ☺️ 


URGENT! Hello, I’m sorry that this announcement will not be a great one, I’ve unpublished all of my stories after Wattpad just deleted Graviton from my account, this book was claimed to have violated Wattpad policies, rules and regulations. I don’t know how that is possible unless it was unfairly reported. As of right now, I am thoroughly copying every detail of my works on a saved drive. Graviton was one of the latest books that wasn’t saved and the likelihood of me getting it back is low. I’m a bit upset about this, but I’m hoping for the best. I’d really love all your support. Thank you for taking the time to read this. 


@queridadios thank you for your support, I’m currently re-writing it now, just not on Wattpad. 


@meishaali7 Thank you so much for your support, I’ve now officially got everything saved on file, but will unfortunately have to restart Graviton. It shocked me so much too, I’ve been on here for seven years and that book was published a year ago and all of a sudden, it was gone. Learned a hard lesson but it out my loyalty to Wattpad down so much after this :(


I’m so sorry this happened to you!! I hope you can get Graviton back. This is terrible :(


ALERT! MUST READ! Hello Lovely Readers! That is Chapter 13 and 14 of Business Arrangement published with MAJOR plot twists INSIDE. Please, don’t be afraid to vote, comment and share! Let me know your thoughts, your feedback motivates me to write. Anyway, cheers and happy reading! 


@darkblonde1  Hey, Just wanted you to know that, no pressure and take your time to do your amazing book on the wonderful chapters you bring us. I think we all know the unknown pressure on our shoulders is real, dreading us down when we want to acknowledge it, so we tend to let it have control. So, when our neverending irrationally anxious minds tells us to put work into the chapters, there is no passion = no creativity.
          So, take one step at a time, darkblonde1 and your time getting yourself a break and a clean slate of mind is exhilarating for your passion to writing good books!
          Hope to see your other books in the future!


@Nalu_Thurston Hi, thank you so much for this message, and thank you for the compliments. I’m really thrilled you’re enjoying my book, I’m glad also that you’re invested in it and have time to give your feedback—it means a lot to me when my readers comment on my chapters and my progress with feedback, and especially when they understand at times that are rough where creativity is just not there at moments. Thank you again for this message, it’s beautiful. Hope you enjoy the next chapter of Business Arrangement and tell me what you think! Hope to see you too! 