
Hey everyone, 
          	I've decided to put up the first seven chapters of Blue on my profile (unedited). 
          	I won't put up the whole book because I've moved to a different wattpad account, but some of it as a sample because I've decided to go through with editing the whole thing and I will possibly self publish it.
          	Blush ❤️


@daydreamerr__x Have you carried on writing the book on your other account? What's your other account?x


Hey everyone, 
          I've decided to put up the first seven chapters of Blue on my profile (unedited). 
          I won't put up the whole book because I've moved to a different wattpad account, but some of it as a sample because I've decided to go through with editing the whole thing and I will possibly self publish it.
          Blush ❤️


@daydreamerr__x Have you carried on writing the book on your other account? What's your other account?x


Hey guys, happy new year. I hope you're all doing well <3 
          I have some good and bad news.
          The bad news is that I'll not be continuing to write on this account anymore. Some things happened, and well, in short, my cousin snitched on me. They have my username and whatever I publish would be read by people in my irl. Specifically, people that I dont want in my business. 
          Writing is something that always bought me joy. And now they're trying to taint it. I can't write freely while being aware that someone ik is judging me based over it. So, I won't be writing here anymore. Although, I'm not shutting it and I will continue to read on here. Feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to ♡ 
          Now the good news is, I will be making a new account to write. I love telling stories and I am not gonna let someone ruin it for me. I will *obviously* not post the new username in public announcement here but you can message me personally to ask for it because I'd love love LOVEEE for you guys to keep reading my work ♡
          (P.s. please don't write my new user on my message board. Also, this should go without saying but I'll still say it, don't promote on my mb because I will delete it. You already know that goes against wattpad guidelines and I have zero tolerance policy for it as it's very obnoxious. If you're someone new into writing, text me and I'll let you know the correct way of advertising.) 
          I love you guys,
          Bye ❤️


Hii, where can i message u privately??? 


Hey guys, I didn't die (yet)
          Ahhh, I'm having a really hard time catching up because of the blast of notifications spam. There's too much, it'll take a while but yeah, I just wanted to let you guys know that I might start updating again soon. 
          Thank you for being patient with me <3 


@daydreamerr__x heyyy u got a new follower !!! I read ur book blue in one go and I must tell u it was such a good book ♥️  


Should I publish something new or do you guys want new updates on FDCM and Flight A-222? 


I’d love some updates on Flight A-222, but also FDCM :)


            I love FDCM, Can u update tht one?? Please?


3rd all-nighter in a row, you guys invited to my funeral if I die by tomorrow :*) 


@lisztomania_kay oh wow, that's great. Best of luck!!!


@daydreamerr__x i keep forgetting it’s been two years since metI’m now a senior about to go college I literally got one more semester 


Hey you guys *laughs nervously* 
          So um, I know it's been like 2 months since I've updated and I'm really sorry about that. 
          It's just, I've recently started university and it's alot of work. That's why I'm leaving this announcement to let everyone know that the new chapter updates would be published after 15th December (after my exams).
          I know that's a long time but I hope you all understand that I am not able to give writing the amount of time that I would like to. I had actually planned to announce two new books on new year's eve but I think I would have to cancel that as well.
          Thank you for all the love and support and I promise I'll try to update as soon as I can ❤️


@daydreamerr__x Don't worry about it x Get that degree/bag/education. Whichever is the outcome of it ✌️