
Hi! I'm currently working on a book centered on Miri, called Miri: The Forgotten Song. 
          	I'd re-wrote it a couple of times, never quite satisfied with how the story was going, but I'm excited to share with you my progress and the first three chapters. Thank you!


Hey i have readed dark queen book again and again. Everytime i read i feel the same emotions and excitement i m just so much inspired by her personality and courage. I would loved u will publish your this book like a hard copy for me to keep it forever with me and in future i could read it to my kids too. Please complete my this wish. ❤️


where is all the love people


@ Sabbor  *hugs*  I have no words
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*insert the crying emojis that were mysteriously left out *
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I just read Dark Queen.  I don't know how long you've been writing, but that was an amazing story.  I'm an avid reader.  You're a very good  author. I like your writing style. I hope you continue and become published (submit this story).  I look forward to reading all future completed works by you.  Post message if your work goes to print or Barnes and noble.  I will purchase.  I don't usually leave comments.  But this book was the exception.  Have a great day.


I’ve read cybelline a thousand times through the years and its only today that I manage to read Miri and Jasreth’s portion completely without skipping because my eyes are full of tears. I can wait forever to see how Miri and Jasreth’s story ends. I can never be at peace without seeing both of them happy together. So basically, im saying that their book is keeping me alive, literally. Much love ❤️ I’ll be waiting!!