What Makes Me Tick:
-I am of age...whatever that means to you.
-I am extremely open-minded but highly inquisitive...so deal :-p
-I am a follower of Christ...but, I don't shove my religion or views down others throats. Just be You!
-I am THE Founder of Bookworm Associates...it's something I just made up but, I do read A LOT.
-I have a cat named Bala (she is paranoid), & 2 Maltese. Dior (the narcissist) and Gianni (he's a bit schizophrenic). They are AWESOME!
-I'm a neat freak that is currently on strike.
-I have a squishy stuffed frog named Apple...he is green.
-I am 1,000% positive Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia keeps the planets aligned, stars shining, and tectonic plates in tact. Without it, the results would be catastrophic.

The Random:
-My life has a superb cast, I just can't figure out the plot.
-If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
-Your disregard for grammar is proportional to my lack of respect for you.
-Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chip cookies are the main reason I have trust issues.
-I'm not arguing. I'm simply explaining why I'm right.
  • Floredah
  • JoinedFebruary 24, 2012

Last Message
dreamsRepiphanies dreamsRepiphanies Aug 06, 2012 09:57AM
Thanks. Yes it is sad. It's just that I have been so busy with my other novels and haven't had the time to sit and come up with a shorty story suitable for wattpad yet. I will try to pump one out soo...
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