
Hi all, 
          	I am back for real this time but with a twist. ??? I am creating my youtube channel where I will be posting my stories in my own voice. What say people?


@dvlk2117 I'm glad that you're back I enjoy your stories . Take care .


@eddy1092 thank you so much dear.  


@dvlk2117 I'm happy you are back... whatever you do I always support you sister ❤️


          Hey! I'm a representative of G∅∅d N∅vel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
          Good Novel is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.
          We offer two contracts.
          Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 30k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
          That's not all, this is more of our payment scheme.
          120k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 attendance bonus
          $250 Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          150k words = $100 Signing few
          $150 × 2  = Attendance bonus
          $325= Completion bonus
          Total = $725
          230k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 × 4 = Attendance bonus
          $400 = Completion bonus
          Total = $1,100 
          330K Words = $100 Signing fee
          $150×6 = Attendance bonus
          $400 + $1,000 = Completion bonus
          Total = $2,400 USD
          Non-Exclusive Contract: You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 120k words. which is now a paid story.
          Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.
          you are interested in our mind-blowing offer, kindly reply this message , lolalumi57@gmail.com or better DM on WhatsApp+2347058520208


Hi all, 
          I am back for real this time but with a twist. ??? I am creating my youtube channel where I will be posting my stories in my own voice. What say people?


@dvlk2117 I'm glad that you're back I enjoy your stories . Take care .


@eddy1092 thank you so much dear.  


@dvlk2117 I'm happy you are back... whatever you do I always support you sister ❤️


Hello dear how are you and your health? Please be strong. I have checked you on lnkitt but you have not written any stories. Hope you are well? Be strong please 
          And please what is your name on lnkitt?


@dvlk2117 I meant inkitt not invite 


@Chiomsky21 I didn't start writing on invite yet due to some issues. But soon I will be starting yputube channel where I will be putting my stories in my own voice


Hi everyone! 
          I am so sorry for disappearing from this platform all of a sudden. Extremely sorry. I had so much going on my end. I was emotionally and mentally feeling so low. So, I had no other option that to distance myself from anything and everything. Today, finally I mustered up the strength to come here and say that yes I am back. Yes sweeties, I am back but with a twist. 
          Remember once I mentioned that I won't be writing anymore here on wattpad? Yes, I am still sticking to it. So today in a few hours I will be removing my books from here. And from 1st of August, I shall be posting on Inkitt. However, I won't be deleting my account here. Just my books. That's it.
          You all have been so patient with me and have been trying to contact me. But believe me I was so upset with the problems in my life that I simply left everything. I have even deleted wattpad and other social apps from my phone as well.  Now, I am posting this by logging into to wattpad account in my desktop computer.
          So, yes! As far as my stories are concerned, I will be posting them on Inkitt from 1st Aug 2023. I am so thankful for all your love and support you showered on me.  
          Looking to interact with you all :)


You have to do what makes you happy.  Hope you overcome what you going thru in the quickest possible way. Will check the App and look for your stories. Al the best.


@eddy1092 yes, I will see what can be done and inform by tonight accordingly 


Pls try not to delete stories here and all the best on Inkitt and I know u rock as always


  Have u stopped writing on this app


@disha7722 Of course I will. I never leave my story half way. All I need is a little time to get into writing groove again.


@disha7722 can u atleast finish Leo story here, since u have already started writing it


@disha7722 Maybe after some time I will start writing. Trying to get back into writing groove. If so, then I need to finish Leonardo and Isabella's book first.


Hi, I hope you in good health? We miss you and I wish you a quick recovery ❤️


Finally your back!! Good to have you back again 


@Nkem68 Hi. Yes, I am feeling better now. Thank you so much for checking on me. How are you doing?


Hi, I know it's long time we chat. How are you? Hope your and family doing fine. I met with and accident and  my right foot got injured. 
          Do you writeing new book?


@RushaniNimalasiri now my foot got 98% healed. Thank you. Ok hope to read new story from you in future.


@RushaniNimalasiri Hi. YEs, its been so long. We are fine now. Oh, hope you are feeling better now. Please take care.
            Not writing any new book yet.