
I’m not entirely sure how many of you even know who I am or remember me, regardless, I am just here to state that to whomever gets the chance to read this that I do not have any real plan to return to writing. I have unfinished fics, not a single one has been finished and I am unsure if they ever will be. I love writing and I have so many ideas for Xelqua’s Redemption and for Hiding in Plain Sight but alas, writing for these fics is not something that fits into my current schedule. (It hasn’t for a while hence my absence lol-)
          	Hopefully, I shall return to writing one day but for now I will most likely be disappearing from Wattpad. (I don’t really read any books on here anymore which is kinda sad, though I still may show up to read a fic I won’t be posting any more unless I have a sudden wave of motivation or desire to continue writing.)
          	I understand this is unfortunate to hear but I won’t spoil my plans for my books on the off chance I do return and finish them! :]]
          	For now, that’s all from me! Thank you to you all for your support, your reads, your votes and your comments!! It’s meant a lot to me!!
          	Thank you, 
          	E. <33


@echo_star__  we'll miss your writing it's amazing and thank you for informing us so we won't be pointlessly waiting for new chapters or books from you <3


          	  Just appreciating an awesome person! <33


I’m not entirely sure how many of you even know who I am or remember me, regardless, I am just here to state that to whomever gets the chance to read this that I do not have any real plan to return to writing. I have unfinished fics, not a single one has been finished and I am unsure if they ever will be. I love writing and I have so many ideas for Xelqua’s Redemption and for Hiding in Plain Sight but alas, writing for these fics is not something that fits into my current schedule. (It hasn’t for a while hence my absence lol-)
          Hopefully, I shall return to writing one day but for now I will most likely be disappearing from Wattpad. (I don’t really read any books on here anymore which is kinda sad, though I still may show up to read a fic I won’t be posting any more unless I have a sudden wave of motivation or desire to continue writing.)
          I understand this is unfortunate to hear but I won’t spoil my plans for my books on the off chance I do return and finish them! :]]
          For now, that’s all from me! Thank you to you all for your support, your reads, your votes and your comments!! It’s meant a lot to me!!
          Thank you, 
          E. <33


@echo_star__  we'll miss your writing it's amazing and thank you for informing us so we won't be pointlessly waiting for new chapters or books from you <3


            Just appreciating an awesome person! <33


I was wondering if you guys wanted me to start adding a word count at the end of each chapter. It's not something I normally do but I see other authors doing it so I was wondering if you guys were bothered about me doing that or not?


Gotta love it when part of me wants to discontinue The wings I Was Forced To Have and possibly (very small chance btw) rewrite it in the future.
          Then the other part of me is very stubborn and reluctant to just "give up" that easily and thinks I should just do tongue with Hiding In Plain Sight 'til I find my missing motivation to finish The Wings I Was Forced To Have...
          ...yeah, idk what to with that book at all...
          Either way the book will not be updated for a while so I guess I'm going to see what happens with it...


So... I had planned to post TWIWFTH chapter 14 by the end of this week but instead I've got a new idea for a book series I'm gonna start writing and got carried away with planning that instead.
          It's a Minecraft based trilogy called The Files.
          Each book will be called The [Topic of the Book] Files and I tend for it to be an interactive book trilogy where you can be featured in the books themselves and can submit requests for the books. 
          You'll find out/understand more when they are released and I want to get a good few chapters of each book written so they can all be published at the same time.
          Thanks for your patience (TWIWFTH will be updated soon I promise!!)


Take as much time as you need echo, we will wait


Tysm to everyone who has read, voted or commented on my current book 'The Wings I Was Forces To Have' ( or just shorten it to 'TWIWFTH' as I've given the book a long title for some reason). See all these notifications about people even just noticing my book always makes my day or night. I love seeing people leave comments or votes or watching my number of reads increase. 
          I'm a new writer who thought no-one would see my book at all and knowing that someone has actually seen it and appreciated it and even wants to read more and is looking forward to the next chapter means a lot more to me than I can even express in words.
          As I said before THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your appreciation for my work and your patience as you wait for me to post the next chapters!!!
          I hope you all continue to enjoy my book as much as I enjoy writing it for you.
          ~echo star <33


@echo_star__ I will be looking forward to what you have in store for us in the book and in the furture.