
bridgerton s3 spoilers //
          	someones gonna have to d!e for the lack of kanthony I CANT DO THIS ANYMORGDKFGDJDG


since wattpad is deleting private messages, you LOSERS will not and should not be able to contact me again. thank god. please do not stalk my instagram which is davinas.wp or harass my discord which is renauxs.


@persephone you mean YOU will never be rid of ME >:)


@elaenas you will never be rid of me


if you want to learn more about palestine but you're struggling to find a good concise resource on it then here's a downloadable pdf that comes in lots of different languages including english, arabic, french and mandarin. its super informative and def a good place to start! i cant stress how important knowledge is in a time like this so please take the time to learn as much as you can about palestine.
          (ty to @crierayla and @vecnas for sharing this!!)


@elaenas thank you for boosting this!!!


@elaenas glad i could be of some help <33


@coruscvnts omg thats literally insane thank you!! ill put it in my bio too


reminder that you should be striking from today till next sunday in solidarity with palestine!! removing our labour and engagement from the economy is one of the only ways that we can exercise our power so again, please participate to the best of your ability.


After being targeted by the b0mbings yesterday, Bisan has called for another global strike from Sunday 21st January to Sunday 28th January.
          What this means is not going out and spending money, take money out of your bank account and buy your essentials beforehand and if you do need to spend, spend in cash and shop at smaller businesses rather than big corporations like supermarkets. Call in sick or even stage walkouts during work or school, since this is in advance, make your calls now and plan things with your colleagues and classmates so that you're less likely to face super bad consequences for it if they have to punish all of you. Also actively spending the week advocating for palestine through protests, posts, donations, spreading information etc., just draw attention to Palestine as much as possible. 
          However inconvenient it may be for you, it is much more dire for the palestinians so please participate!
          This is a show of solidarity and is about disrupting the economy which is the only thing our leaders care about lbr. We can't let b0mbings and oppression simply become background noise, we need to keep forcing those hags to remember just what it is that they've done and just how much their opinions differ from the peoples. 


this massacre didnt stop for christmas by the way, in fact it was used as a distraction. there have been raids carried out in the west bank, in BETHLEHAM. palestinian civilians have been kidnapped, refugee camps have been b0mbed with over 50 people unalived, they even attacked a monastery in southern lebanon. 
          this was just in the christmas period.
          but a certain demographic of christians are still happily celebrating while their brothers and sisters in the birthplace of christianity are being slaughtered because of a genocide they cosigned. 


ive seen people saying it doesnt feel like christmas this year and i genuinely think its bc of palestine. how can there be celebrations in every other part of the world except Jesus' birthplace? it doesnt feel like october even ended


that part. 


monday 18th december. this monday coming, there will be a global strike for palestine. palestinians (including on the ground journalists like hind and motaz) are calling on us to launch a large scale strike against the government and economy especially if your are a US, UK or Canadian citizen. 
          this means staying home from work or school, no spending money, no using credit or debit cards, attending protests and actively pushing for a ceasefire in whatever way you can. lets make the world stand still for palestine this monday! 
          this is absolutely no inconvenience to us, we get to have a day off from work while palestinians have no choice but to wait on the mercy of colonisers who decide when and if they get a break from their grief. at worst, we get told off, at best we save a life. standing with the oppressed isnt just reposts or having a palestinian flag in your bio, its actively participating in things palestinians ask us to. 


tomorrow, on monday december 11th, there will be a global strike for palestine. this means calling in sick for work and not engaging in consumerism (as in not spending any money). it is ONE day so please join in on this.
          reposting, boycotting and peaceful protesting only does so much, our activism needs to always be moving forward and can't afford to become stagnant. activism should absolutely be disruptive and we are failing if it isnt!! if everyone who has been supporting this movement actually joins in on this, we have a chance of getting their attention.
          don't fall for the trap of individualism, we only have power as a collective so exercise that power when you are asked to!