
Hi All,
          	I’ve updated my knight and shining king. It’s a day early  
          	Hope you enjoy it.
          	I’ll update the dance of love next 
          	Until next time,
          	Jess xoxo 


Hi All,
          I’ve just posted the prologue for the dance of love.  Hope you all enjoy it.
          I will be back writing my knight and shining king in two or three weeks from now. That story is based off my own experiences.  So please bear with me. On this as it is difficult to write as the memories are there and it brings back more memories.
          Stay safe,
          Until next time,
          Jess xoxo 


Hi All,
          I’m working on my Klena story it’s called the dance of Love. It’s just the prologue. It will explain somethings. And other things will be revealed later in different chapters.
          Stay safe,
          Until next time,
          Jess xoxo 


Hi All, 
          I’ve updated My knight and shining king. Hope you all enjoy it.  
          I’m going to be taking a break for a week or two of writing that book. It is taking its toll on me. As it something on to my personal life.
          I will be starting a new book. A Klena book. I don’t know the name of it. Or how it is going to be written or the plot. 
          Stay safe,
          Until next time,
          Jess xoxo