
Hello everyone! I wanted to inform you that I have officially created a Fiver account. I am a mostly beta reader on there with a little bit of copyediting, haha. If you or anyone you know needs a beta reader without emptying your pockets, my price is affordable.
          	I want to thank everyone who has supported me thus far and allowed me to help them improve their story as well as my own. I love sharing my experiences and lessons with others and exploring the worlds that they’ve created. I hope you’re all doing great. 
          	Here’s the Fiver link if anyone needs it:


@Robinsongbird That’s great news! Not to worry. I’ll dm you and send you another link. 


@ericson119 the link didn't work for me but I'd be interested!


Hello everyone! I wanted to inform you that I have officially created a Fiver account. I am a mostly beta reader on there with a little bit of copyediting, haha. If you or anyone you know needs a beta reader without emptying your pockets, my price is affordable.
          I want to thank everyone who has supported me thus far and allowed me to help them improve their story as well as my own. I love sharing my experiences and lessons with others and exploring the worlds that they’ve created. I hope you’re all doing great. 
          Here’s the Fiver link if anyone needs it:


@Robinsongbird That’s great news! Not to worry. I’ll dm you and send you another link. 


@ericson119 the link didn't work for me but I'd be interested!


I’ll be honest with you guys, I am in need of and editor/editors. I’ve been stubborn about it and I’ve procrastinated when it came to asking.
          I truly believe in my story and need people who willing to criticize, compliment, grow with and understand what I’m trying to create- or bring to to life so to speak. If you or anyone else who’s interested in reading and discussing the aspects of storytelling, I’m here for it. I don’t see a lot of people coming together or even believing in something anymore.
          Anyways, I hope you’re all doing alright 


@JohnathanSmith026 Ah, thank you so much. I appreciate your words. I like understand what others like about stories and hearing things from their perspective. I’ll read over a few chapters of your story and Dm you what I think 


@ericson119 I enjoyed your writing style as it had a natural flow and clearly differentiated who was talking, the sections offered a nice change in direction to the story and I absolutely loved the twist in the realationship between the intergator and Alexander.


@JohnathanSmith026 No problem, I’ll get to reading that. Thank you, I appreciate it! May I asked what you liked about it? 


Hey guys. Just wanted to announce that I’ve finally finished writing Einia. A lot has happened during my steps toward completion. A lot of people have assumptions about writers and really just storytellers in general. People want you to be a certain way and censor yourself for their benefit. All I want to say is believe in yourself. Believe in what you can do and all those stories and characters you have in your head. Regardless if it’s “good” or “bad”, art is art. And I’m proud to be an artist because deep down, that’s what I know I’m meant to be.
          Anyways, I hope everyone is doing alright. I’ve been behind with reading but I’ll catch up. I can do a lot of things, but I can’t do everything alone. I want to bring others up and allow to prosper in their own way. So, if you need healthy critique or maybe just a simple conversation about writing, I’ll try my best to here for those who want the help.


@ericson119 AMAZING! Congrats! <3


Man, life is full of surprises and unforeseen circumstances the more you grow and realize certain things. I’ve definitely learned that maturing isn’t just doing “adult” things. It’s more than that. I’ve definitely learned to move more toward positivity and actually maintaining my lifestyle. I’ve also learned that there are important lessons around every corner. You’ve just got to be willing to see and accept where you are at the current moment.
          In saying that, I want ask you guys. I’m sure a lot of you have characters that you relate to. But who’s a character of yours that actually speaks to you? One you enjoy writing about no matter what? 


If not, I hope you do. You could say what I’m hinting at is sort of subjective but aside from that, I’m glad you enjoy writing all of your characters. Do you have a favorite at least? 


@ericson119 I like to write about all my characters so far, but you seem to be hinting at something different. Maybe I haven't found that character yet!


Just checking in to make sure you're all good! <3


@ericson119 Aw no! I feel you, adulting sucks XD You know where my DMs are if you need someone to vent to <3 Glad you're all right overall though! (sorry for the late reply, been a mare of a day!)


Yeah, I’m all good. I appreciate you checking in. I’ve got to be honest, I’m a bit stressed but I’m doing alright overall lol 


I have a question for everyone. What genuinely makes a story good to you? What in your opinion are the aspects of great story telling?


@Sanch250: Yeah I watch those videos!


@ericson119 the personalities or different mindsets of characters. I don’t really enjoy a group of characters to be plain, I always like it when they have their own quirks and things that make you think “ah, yeah, this reminds me of___” when something happens in my life or when I’m making comparisons.


@ericson119 @minimoxx
            No problem. I could go on about stuff like this for a while.
            There’s a group of videos on youtube called ‘Trope Talk’ which examines tropes on why they do or don’t work. That’s an entertaining thing to watch on stories if you’re interested. 


Guys, I just want to say that I really appreciate the positive energy I’m getting coming back to Wattpad. I know I’ve been gone awhile so I apologize. I’m sure a lot of you will understand me when I say that sometimes you have to take a step back and put in the work to get better. 
          I’m not perfect. Nobody is. We’re just people trying to do our best to be who we are. And I know if we keep taking the right steps, we’ll get where we need to be. So again, thank you for all your support and positivity. There’s nothing better in my opinion than having someone that has your back through hard times.


@AOFunke Thank you so much! I appreciate it. ❤️


@ericson119 welcome back ❤️❤️❤️❤️it's good to have you back


@ericson119 Never have truer words been spoken! So so pleased you're back and hopefully feeling better <3 You know where I am if you need anything <3


Whoa.. it’s great to see you active on Wattpad!! I’m reading this, it’s kinda coming back to me. I’ve haven’t been on Wattpad as much as I like or used to be. But it’s really good to know your writing and posting chapters!! Oh yeah @ericson119 have a great Good Friday if you are in the same time frame as I am. I wish you a blessed Easter Sunday too!! ❤️:-)))


Wow, thank you so much. I really appreciate your words. I understand what you’re going and I appreciate you taking the time to read my story. And yes, it’s Friday for me lol thank you :) 