
It's been a while since I have been writing here, but today I posted several new additions to my ongoing work in Perspicuity. Enjoy!!


I haven't been writing on Wattpad for quite some time, as I have been marketing my paper published second book. But I appreciate my followers, those who keep adding my book, Seeing Through the Cracks to their lists, to those who read, vote for, and comment on my non-fiction work. I have received many wonderful testimonials and messages about how my personal story has inspired others. Nothing could make me happier than knowing my shared experience can help another person in their life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤


I truly appreciate the thoughts of my young readers and was overwhelmed with tears to read this comment, at the end of my book, from a young teen. When writing from the perspective of a mother, one is never sure of the impact my story is having with a young person. This is one very special and mature girl with a great future ahead of her, I am sure. "I am saddened to have reached the conclusion of this book, Elaine. Yet I know that all stories come to an end whether a sequel follows or not. I feel as if I am talking to an understanding older friend this past week of reading this. Thank you so much for sharing your story, firstly. I realize now that I am a teenager, meaning that I will soon become an adult and eventually-a parent. Your candid, outspoken, and wise words have struck a chord within me and have helped me understand better the role that my parents play. They have also helped me understand better the role that I will play in the future with parenting a child versus parenting an adult child. So I will have to thank you for that also. I now appreciate more the challenges my parents are facing and more that they will face when I graduate from high school. As a community, we all tend to share our experiences with others, but often leave out the innermost details that really define our stories. But you are one of the few who haven't, and your honesty is appreciated by many, not just myself. Life is about writing one's book through its experiences and I can safely say that a portion of mine has been written. I wish the best for you and your family, and hope you continue to write your story with good grace in life. P.S: Please write a second book. I really enjoyed your book!" 


@euskoski Beautifully expressed by the young reader, so poetic. 