
          	a little life update from me:) I think that most of you are German, but I want to make my profile as English-friendly as possible & to translate my book as well, so I hope it’s okay for yall if we switch to English, at least on this board! ‘Monsters’ will stay available in German of course, don’t worry, and I’m going to update it as regularly as possible:)
          	Oh, and I just updated the cover of ‘monsters’, I hope you like it! A new chapter is coming soon - stay tuned! xx


          Danke fürs Folgen, wie komme ich dazu?
          Thank you for following me, how did I earn it? (I don’t know if this sentence is correct, but it doesn’t matter.... 
          My English is not the yellow from the egg but it goes xD sry I know this sentence is terrible xD)
          Shona ;-)


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Heyoooo :DD
          Thanks, dass mein Buch auf deiner Leseliste gelandet ist. Das motiviert mich enorm und ich update zur Zeit täglich. Vielleicht schließt du dich ja direkt an und bleibst dabei? Würde mich mega happy machen. 
          Und schau auf jeden Fall bei @wunschdenker vorbei. Sie hat das Cover/den gesamten Buchumschlag gemacht (Ist nur eine Empfehlung, kein Muss! Buuut she has so much fucking talent!!!!).
          So, das wars, hau rein!
          ~Pizzagott Salamo


          a little life update from me:) I think that most of you are German, but I want to make my profile as English-friendly as possible & to translate my book as well, so I hope it’s okay for yall if we switch to English, at least on this board! ‘Monsters’ will stay available in German of course, don’t worry, and I’m going to update it as regularly as possible:)
          Oh, and I just updated the cover of ‘monsters’, I hope you like it! A new chapter is coming soon - stay tuned! xx