
trying desperately to study for finals but all i can think about is my arthur pendragon fic


ok big news i have like three ish books in the works (charlie weasley, arthur pendragon, rodrick heffley) and once those are all done (hopefully by end of summer but my arthur and rodrick ones are LONGGGG term) i’ll pick up WTHWW again and try to finish that


deleted this app for a few days to force myself to focus on school and only write during breaks but im back because i cant stop thinking about my silly little ian malcolm fic (jeff goldblum appeared to me in a dream like i’m not kidding)


i am TOILING over an arthur pendragon fic its pulling the life out of me but it will be worth it i hope… one episode per chapter has me writing three times the amount of words than i usually do and i am not into it