
Hi fam!
          	Wow, I actually got a lot more feedback from you guys then I thought I would have. I will keep thinking about a possible sequel to fire and ice then. I don't have a plot line yet, only basically one chapter that came to me a long time ago. So this won't be coming any time soon and I will most likely try to finish the work before posting. So if you guys are still interested, I will keep you in the loop with the status of it.


@findinglove9499 cool looking forward to it 


Hi fam!
          Wow, I actually got a lot more feedback from you guys then I thought I would have. I will keep thinking about a possible sequel to fire and ice then. I don't have a plot line yet, only basically one chapter that came to me a long time ago. So this won't be coming any time soon and I will most likely try to finish the work before posting. So if you guys are still interested, I will keep you in the loop with the status of it.


@findinglove9499 cool looking forward to it 


Happy new year ❤️
          First I just wanna say that u are one of my favorite autor and I really like the Lightning series  But I wounder if u has thought about writing a book about Lauren and Kenna’s story? We got to know a little bit in the epilogue in the last book Curveball, but I wanna know more  Is that on your mind? 


hello fam! happy new year! hope the first week of the new year is starting well for you. just wanted to check in with you guys to say hi and I'm still alive and kicking. There are almost 4,000 of you now following me which is kind of crazy for me to think about. 
          also, some other news, with the start of the PWHL (professional women's hockey league) here in the states and Canada, it kind of gave me a new outlet for a possible sequel to fire and ice. Would anybody be interested in a sequel these few years later? let me know. I have some thoughts banging around my brain and wonder if I should put them onto paper.


And if you want to can ask me some questions if you are confused about something or need an idea about what happens in anything women’s hockey


Yes there is no hockey wlw books and as someone who plays hockey I would appreciate it so much


Hi, I'm so sorry I hate to do this and I'm sorry for posting on your account without asking but please go check out my book. I am a new author and I am battling to get into the Wattpad world where people read my stuff. Please if you have time check it out and comment and like it, if you want Thank you so much I hope you enjoy it and stay along for the ride.
          would appreciate it. Thank you so much bye 

          XX Emma


hi fam! i hope everyone had a nice end to their summer. i’m still here being a hermit. not sure if anybody has watched Special Ops: Lioness on paramount plus but i have and i’m obsessed over the wlw ship on it. the final episode just dropped and it left me in a lurch over the ending so badly i wrote about it. the story is up on my Ao3 account. i have the same username there as here if anybody wants to give it a read. 
          because of that, i’m taking a pause on the final chapter of i have in the works of STTH. i need to get this out of my system before i can focus on STTH again. 
          i hope everyone returning to school had a good start to the new term and those going back to work tomorrow, be happy that it is only a four day week. 


They explained the ending I believe... You're not the only one feeling that way I'm sure... 


@findinglove9499 There is more to STTH? Awesome... I wasn't able to watch Lioness I don't have Paramount Plus. But I want to see it if it has a WlW ship... 


@findinglove9499 I will have to look into that show! I hope you had a safe and great weekend!


It’s probably late and you most likely heard this a lot, but lighting and Warrior is the best story I’ve read in my entire life. I wish you could publish these books to sell for everyone to hear these amazing stories. I cried when I finished the book series to be honest. Thank you for making these beautiful books.


posted the final installment of STTH yesterday if you guys haven't seen it yet. That is where I originally wanted to bring the story to end naturally. I just needed a break from it when I got to towards the end because it took me too long to figure out the middle parts of that. Go show it some love.


@findinglove9499 Awe I'll hate to see the end of Dani and Morgan and fam! 


hello there world, just checking in. So I did end up going to see Taylor Swift, spent wayyyyy to much money on a ticket but it was worth EVERY penny I spent. 
          in other news, the little mini-series for STTH is *almost* done. I'm working on what I think is going to be the last chapter part of it. there are going to be 4 parts aka chapters to it that I'm just going to upload right into the work. Alright, I think thats all I have for you right now, until next time.


@findinglove9499 look forward to reading the new chapters, your such a great author ✍️


@findinglove9499 Cool I'll keep it archived then... Can't wait for STTH ☺️


@AngelBella4713 back burner for now, what to finish STTH first before focusing on it again