
So I haven't updated in a bit and I have a problem. I upgraded my tablet and because of my new tablets screen size ms office is no longer free. I need suggestions for an app I can use that works on par with office and is free on a 10.5 in screen. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks.


@furballmews no problem.  Just started the book runt and was go iij ng through your comments and saw that so I thought I'd suggest it.  I use it for odd and ends and I like it.


@ladyz1993 I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion


@furballmews google docs is free.  Not sure if that's what you're looking for but it's a suggestion


I want sure where to post or how to get a message to you and settled for this.  I just wanted to let you know I found your story "Runt" on ficworld followed by 2 completely unrelated books as if they were continuations of the story. I reported to the app, but I'm sure it won't do any good because I'm not the author.


Read a book that's very clearly stolen*** 


I'd rather pay for a completed book than read a book someone stole that's very stolen. Now, unless either of these authors can show proof, it's theirs to prove to their readers that they aren't posting stolen books, then I'd gladly support them. However, at this point, no matter how good this story seems, it's hard to want to read it when it's clearly stolen. Who's the true author?! 


@MichelleWhite692 I'm starting to wonder if this book isn't supposed to be on ficfun. There's 402 chapters. The entire story is on there. It's completed. There's only 33 chapters here. It also has the exact same cover. This happened before with someone else's book. Found it completed elsewhere on 3 different apps, this one, and another 2 others. One of the paid apps was correct. The one here and the other was wrong and stolen. It's hard to believe this story belongs here when it's completed on another app. Like the story is done. The first comment from the author is how they like to read their story over slowly and then post, so updates are slow. Well, there's a huge red flag right there. And if that's not a red flag idk what is then. Cuz this is sus af.  