
Goal for today: Finish Voir Dire.


I just finished "Chemistry" and I loved it. I'm starting "Genetics" now. Is there any chance to continue this book any time soon ???


Thank you so much for reading! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! The plan has always been to continue Genetics (I actually have all the remaining chapters outlined). Since I have been SO awful at updating that story, I kinda decided that I wouldn’t update again til it’s all written. It’s on my to do list, but I unfortunately don’t have a firm timeline. I hope sooner versus later (especially because a lot of people have been asking about it!) ☺️


Hey. I'm one of the fellow readers who like your work. I just have one question for you. Will you write another story after you finish Voir Dire?


Hi! First of all thank you so much for reading! Yes, I do plan on writing another story after Voir Dire! I have a Harry mini fic that is in the works and then a general idea for my next Niall fic! I think I’m going to wait til I finish writing the Harry one before posting though because I’m always so bad at regularly updating though 