
this message may be offensive
My opinion on TTPD: musically very good (like annoyingly good) BUT the fact that most of it was about a horrible excuse of a man (Matty Healy) was not. I don’t really have any words, just not really into the fact that she decided to bring his stinky ass up. Tho her songs abt joe hit, and her lyricism is unmatched (the connection to YLM in SLL is amazing). But the Matty Healy aspect takes me out of it. 
          I just keep thinking of daylight and the outro and how she talks about how she wanted to be defined by the things she loves not by the things she hates. The last line is literally “You are what you love”. Well girlie loved Matty Healy a lot according to TTPD. And the fact that she’s very clear that these are her feelings. While listening through a lot of time in the songs she’s playing the victim and to me almost making us feel bad for criticizing her for dating him. And the fact there’s a line in I hate it here where she wants to live in the 1830s but without all the racists and I was like girl you wrote a whole ass album about a man that’s openly racist . I feel like no one is talking about this and I just couldn’t not say anything. 
          I genuinely loved Taylor and she’s completely changed my life with her music, but this album fr left a bad taste in my mouth.


@gardensongss obviously she’s hurt bc he wasn’t who she thought he was. she still regrets it regardless


@-karmaismybf yeahhhh I got a different vibe with the lyrics, she seems more into hurt that he left and there’s really more than that. I would look deeper if I were you. 


@gardensongss she’s had a crush on him for years fs and the songs that are abt him are mainly just regretting that she was ever that down bad for him in the first place and how awful he is


Hey , are you going to update any of the walking dead series anytime soon?? It’s hard to find ox of books and they’re my favourite 


@obbsessedgirly101 awww thank you!!! I’m so glad you like them! I will always update when I have the time, I’m unfortunately very busy with school and it interrupts my writing time. Hopefully this weekend will be a chance for me to do some updating! 