
Not sure why,but I accidentally uploaded chapter 7 of Fighting Hearts while I hadn't uploaded 6 :")
          	I did now. 


Next week, I will complete book three of Orc of Mine! Stay tuned and make sure to read this final book because it will only be for free for two weeks! 


@mpusepitso  this is really the end haha 


I just got done with book 2 on kindle gosh I have so many emotions right now, cant wait to sink my teeth in book 3!


@WeepingSugar  ah, thanks so much for the support. That means the world and also makes me able to afford my proofreaders and the people who turn my manuscripts into ebooks, etc! 


Hello author!,
          I just came by your book (Orc of Mine) and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!
          I do want to ask, why is there only 14 chapters in book 2?


@glasssvial2121 I just found out lol, and I'm happy to say I just bought it on kindle cant wait to read it!


@WeepingSugar  it's explained in the book and also in book 1. It's not free 


I just came across your book, Orc of Mine.
          I read 2 chapters and I like it already. I googled the book title and saw it has a prequel as well. 
          I'm also in the process of doing my first book and I just wanted to know, how you went through with self publishing the book, I assume it was KDP as I saw the publisher as independently published. I want to know whether it's good to first let the mine story run on Wattpad and then self publish because goal at the end is to have a physical book, or directly self publish.
          If you don't mind my question rude please let me know, since yours is the only book on Wattpad which I've also seen on Amazon. Thanks


@shuyi- If you're not on free platforms, you can't make enough commercial for Kindle. Nobody will see you on kindle itself, so you must pull your readers and fans from somewhere else. Just publishing a book on kindle will probably get you nothing (though I guess there are always some exceptions) .


Hello dearest author!! Quick question how many chapters will orc of mine book 3 have in total and will you complete it here on wattpad even for a short time before releasing it elsewhere for paid reading? Looking forward to your answers and thank you so much for bringing these amazing books to life! 


@S00000006  ill complete it here and yes, it will stay for a short time. I believe it were 53 chapters 